Chapter 35: Searching For Lost Hope

Start from the beginning

"Yes!" I exclaimed as I rushed to start controlling it.

I moved the droid towards the panel and had it hack into the system to see the footage from last month. When I found the day that they had landed I quickly played the film.

Maul walked into the frame and I held my breath as all of them followed behind him.

"You're surrounded, give up now." Obi-wan ordered.

"Or don't. We don't really have anything planned." Anakin said as he brought his lightsaber out.

"I see that (Y/n) didn't come." Maul said with a frown.

"Well we can't have you trying to control her." Obi-wan said calmly.

"Control? No I merely wish to free her." Maul said as he looked over at the boys.

"She is free." Hunter growled out.

"No, see she has fallen in love... and this has made her weak. But I know how to fix that." Maul said with a smirk.

"He wanted us here." Tech said calmly.

"Clever clone."

"It's a trap." Crosshair said before they saw a group of bounty hunters attack them.

I watched the fight start and then heard a voice.

"We will hold them off! Catch him!" Hunter ordered.


"Now! He can't get away! If he does he will go after Omega and (Y/n)!" Tech yelled as he dodged an attack.

"Don't die." Fives said as he shot Echo a frown.

"Don't plan on it." Echo said calmly.

"Yea! Besides I still have to know if (Y/n) choose me or one of these idiots!" Crosshair yelled angrily.

"I'm sure she choose me." Tech said with a smirk.

"Please, she would totally choose me. I mean she did kiss me." Echo said as he dodged an attack from a bounty hunter.

"She kissed all of us dumb ass." Crosshair said as he shot a droid.

"What? When did she kiss you?" Wrecker asked as he threw a log at Cad Bane.

"Our date." They all said.

"And here I thought we had something special." Wrecker said with a sigh.

The screen shook and everyone turned to look at Tech.

"What was that?" Hunter asked angrily.

"That was the self destruct sequence-"

The screen went dark and I felt my heart stop as the video ended. I covered my mouth as I tried to hold back tears.

Beep beep

I moved my hand away and quickly clicked on the new video. I watched as it showed the room with the ceiling caved in.

"Sound off!" Hunter yelled as he set up.

"Here!" Wrecker yelled as he pushed a rock off of him, Echo, and Tech.

"I'm alive." Echo groaned out.

"Where is Crosshair?" Tech asked as he looked around.

"Please be dead." Echo mumbled.

"Still alive, asshole." Crosshair mumbled as he set up.

Hunter rolled his eyes and stood up.

"What happened?" Wrecker asked as he looked around.

"I believe that Maul set off the bases self destruct sequence." Tech said as he looked for his glasses.

"Why would he blow up his bounty hunters?" Hunter asked as Tech picked up his glasses.

"Probably because he wants us dead. See he believes we are the reason (Y/n) won't join him." Tech said calmly.

"But that's because of Omega." Echo said as he walked up to Tech.

"Yes but, he doesn't really know much about her. He probably only knows that she is a child that we all care about. I don't think he knows of her origins." Tech explained.

"Which is probably for the better. Let's see if we can contact General Skywalker." Hunter said as he hit his comm.

After a couple attempts they realized that the others where probably long gone.

"Maybe you can contact (Y/n), with that communicator." Crosshair said as he looked over at Tech.

"I would, had I not left it on the ship." Tech said with a sigh.

"I don't think you have to worry about contacting her." A deep voice said.

The boys quickly turned around and their eyes went wide as they saw Maul.

"Something told me that you would all be a live." He said as he pulled his saber out.

"Then it should of told you to not come back." Echo said as he pulled his blaster.

Maul let out a chuckle and shook his head.

"Tell me, what is so special about this Omega?" Maul asked as the boys all fell to the ground and grabbed at their throats.

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