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There truly was nothing worse than waiting when someone you care about has gone to the hospital. Natasha had felt that same anxiousness more than once, eight times to be exact. Yet it never gets easier, no matter how many times you've gone through it.

She hated that feeling almost worse than death itself. But maybe that's just because she faced death herself, only somehow she survived. It was a scene she was constantly replaying in her mind. It wasn't always on purpose but the thought of being dead for seven minutes and then coming back miraculously tends to shake you up, no matter how tough you are or seem to be.

"Stop fussing, I'm fine." Jenna spoke as she walked inside the Gilbert home with Elena and Matt supporting her. "Jenna, thank goodness you're alright." Natasha had practically run down the stairs when she heard the sweet voice of Jenna Sommers.

"The doctor said you have to take it easy." Elena reminded her aunt, smiling at Natasha as she continued walking Jenna to the couch. "Yeah, you don't want to rip your stitches hemorrhage and die, all right?" Jeremy spoke up as he shut the door behind him.

"Hey, Jer." The red haired girl said as she walked over to him. "Hey, Nat. You know you could have come to the hospital with us. I know how anxious you get with this sort of thing" he replied.

"I think I would have been worse there. Either way, Jenna's home and okay. That's all that matters." Jenna turned her head to face Natasha, signalling for her to sit next to her.

"I didn't die from this," Jenna pointed at her stomach were she had gotten her stitches, "but I'm dying from embarrassment." "I walked into a knife. How does somebody do that?" she scoffed.

"Freak accidents happen. I mean you're looking at one." Natasha said and waved. Jenna rolled her eyes, "don't insult my favorite human." Jenna said pouting. "Hey!" Jeremy and Elena said in unison.

Jenna started laughing, holding her side as she tried biting her tongue so she wouldn't laugh. "You're going to burst your stitches in the first five minutes of being home." Natasha shook her head. "Hey, Jenna's favorite human come over here." Jeremy walked over to the kitchen, waiting for Natasha.

"What are we going to do about Katherine?" Jeremy asked Elena and Natasha. He was very aware that Elena's strategy was to not go looking for danger but he wasn't on board with that.

Natasha on the other hand was willing to go to any length after the accident. Jeremy knew this and was willing to take advantage of it, which Natasha was fine with as she wanted to kill Katherine just as much as the next person.

"We're not doing anything, Jeremy. That goes for you too, Natasha." Elena said even though she didn't think Natasha would listen to her as she had a tendency to do the opposite of playing it safe.

"She tried to kill Jenna, your aunt." Natasha felt the need to remind the brunette, who still refused to look up from the counter. "Trust me, Natasha. I'm well aware." she mumbled. "We can't let her get away with that." Jeremy placed both hands on the counter and leaned forward.

"Yes, we can. If it keeps us safe, we can." Elena said as she finally made eye contact with Jeremy then Natasha. He crossed his arms and had come to the point where he refused to listen to Elena, "What if she tries something else? She's notorious for her scemes."

"She won't. Katherine hurt Jenna because I didn't do what she said. Stefan and I are over. She wins. The end." Elena said trying to convince him, although in reality she was trying to convince herself of it.

"You and Stefan broke up, great. But it won't be long until Katherine's telling you to do something else and if you refuse she'll hurt someone else. Jeremy prefaphas or maybe Alaric, Bonnie maybe." Natasha stated, her tone seemed rather sturn yet filled with sarcasm, she had a tendency to do that.

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