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tw/liam being a manipulative dick.

i called liam up the next day to tell him about the show, and to invite him to come. he said he'd be right over. twenty minutes later i heard the ring of our doorbell. i made my way to the front door in a black silk slip dress. i opened it and liam's eyes immediately went up and down my body.

"why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer." i teased. he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "or just come in, that also works." i stood on my tiptoes and pecked his lips. i let him in and fished through my purse before pulling out a baggie of coke. "you wanna do a line?" 

liam licked his lips and nodded. i lead him to our fancy ass all white bathroom and poured out some of the coke on to the granite sink. using my drivers license i made two small lines. i hovered over the first line and snorted it up my nose swiftly. i sniffled a little bit afterward, rubbing the excess powder off of my nose. 

he did a line as well, mirroring my actions. we locked lips before leaving the bathroom. kate was at the small dining table in our kitchen with a cup of tea. she had an amused look of her face, winking and raising her cup of tea at us. taking liam's hand i walked over to her.

"liam and i are gonna drive to the show together, i hope you don't mind." i bit my lip at how couple-like we were acting. it was foreign.

"it's no problem," kate replied with a mischievous grin. i waved goodbye to her and liam and i made our way to the door. "don't do anything i wouldn't do!" she shouted before we closed the door.

we evaded the usual flock of paparazzi who had only been writing about liam and i's relationship the whole week since they first saw us. we sped off to the show soon after the camera shutters flashed all around us. when we arrived, we parked in a secluded area the paparazzi couldn't find us.

liam pulled out two syringes. i gulped. i had never done heroin before a show, and still, the only time i had done it was with him that one time. i didn't know if i would be able to keep it together for a show.

"i-- i don't think that's a good idea, liam." i spoke in a whisper-like rasp. liam rolled his eyes.

"c'mon, lyla, don't be boring." he spoke, seeming almost agitated at my refusal. i would learn soon after that this is what coke did to him. i was guilty of that response too, but... he took it to a different level.

"i told you, liam... i can't." i replied, almost scared as i saw him clenching his jaw. he scoffed, looking out the window of the car.

"you know you fucking want it, lyla, so what's the point in resisting that urge?!" he demanded. i winced.

"don't yell at me." i spoke as strongly and assertively as i could, but it just came out quite pathetic sounding, really. 

"you're being really fucking difficult right now." he was growing more angry, and i knew that i had to do something before he completely exploded on me. i cut him off before he could start up again.

"okay. i'll do it." a smile spread on his features at this. i silently cursed myself for giving in so easily. this wasn't right. but as soon as the drugs hit me, i forgot all about it.

 "that's my girl." liam pulled me in for a rough kiss before we stepped out of the car, heading to the show. those three words seemed so insignificant at the time, but they soon rang throughout my mind 24/7. i was his. 

and he wouldn't let me forget it.

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