Chapter Thirteen

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(A/N: Reverse Rules Apply from actual book: Normal for the first timeline (the ones originally reading/ watching); Italicize for Second Timeline (the ones that are appearing). Since I decided to do this, the chapters where the first timeline goes into the second will not be used in this. Hopefully you understood what I just said.)

'This is only going to be viewable purely because Albus Dumbledore will lose his shit in this,' the new note said. The Black, Potter, Malfoy, and Slytherin-Gaunt Lords and Ladies all sat forward in anticipation. "Ooooh, I had a feeling this was next," Dahlia said with a mischievous smile.

As the others left, Tom sat in front of Armando, "Okay seeing these memories, there is no way I am making Albus Headmaster, I was trying to think of who would be my successor and I was thinking about you being my successor," he said. Tom's eyes widened, "Really?"

"Are you the Headmaster now?" Sirius asked Tom who nodded in return, "Have been for two years," he told him.

"Really. You're one my best students, I know you've been wanting the DADA position so I know you've been wanting to teach. I have spoken to other paintings and those times when the potions and spells were weakened you would help the first years and give directions and give warnings when curfew hits. Even the previous Headmasters agree", I turned to the paintings in the room who all nodded even Phineas Black, I remember Orion saying he's a hard man to please if you're not closely related to him.

"Wow you got Phineas to agree," Regulus said.

"So-" Armando caught his attention again, "I thought since you are also a Hogwarts descendant, you would be a great option especially if we find those other paintings. So what I am offering is, starting next year, so you can concentrate on OWLs even though you probably don't need to study anymore, for an hour every other day, we meet to get you into knowing the Headmaster position quicker? That is if you agree to being my successor?" Tom sat there, still stunned, before nodding and letting himself smile, he had gotten used to smiling more, "Yes, I'll take it", Armando and Tom stood up and shook hands, "I will put in the paperwork and let Albus know. Go see your Slytherin friends I believe Luna knew what I was going to ask," he suggested. Tom nodded eagerly, "I wouldn't surprised, but be careful with Albus, don't know what he's going to do."

Armando nodded, "Oh I know, that's why I'm going to do it in the Great Hall in front of everybody, he won't have a useful wand as it's supposed to be Dahlia's wand," he said with a bit of mischief in his eyes. Tom shook my head in amusement. Armando is one of the few people who can do something like a Gryffindor with a very Slytherin motive; Tom would say Dahlia, James Potter, and Sirius Black would be the others. Tom was greeted by the other Slytherins in our group congratulating him on the offer and stating Luna did in fact see it happen. Some held up mirrors consisting of our other friends giving there congrats. "Dahlia?" Orion questioned. We saw her freeze in a trance, "This is her banshee abilities peaking through, instead of screaming she cries, that's why Shadow disappeared, she gives the warning, as Dahlia can't" When Luna finished her explanation Dahlia was in Orion's arms silently crying just like with Myrtle. She then got out her parchment she carries to talk to ghosts and wrote a note and made it disappear with a snap.

"He freaked out that badly?" the twins asked.

Dahlia had nodded, a note appeared in front of her, 'Everyone will be able to hear Shadow screech so be warned,' she read out loud.

Armando was getting paperwork for Tom ready when he heard what sounded a high pitched screech causing him to jump as it got closer to his office and a big black dog fazed through the door making it clear it was the source of the screeching. When it stopped, he realized this was Dahlia's animal self/familiar looking at him as he paled realizing what the screeching meant. As Shadow left and he heard the screeching continue he knew something bad was going to happen as it was explained to him the Shadow was basically a banshee in the form of a dog. He saw black smoke in front of him and looked down at his desk seeing a note from the girl or woman herself. It read:

The Marauder's Era (And Others) React To New Life;Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now