Winter sunset

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Yiruma love me


How quietly the winter sunset burns out under the overflow of sounds of the piano. So peaceful, so calm, so ... warm? Or is it warm to me from the fact that you are near, calming me down, confessing your Love through this music... Yes, I understand... I understand you, as if it was a light wave that envelops me, hugs my shoulders from behind, as you always do, and I soar in weightlessness ... It is you who give me such lightness, allow me to relax and become tender and vulnerable in your arms. The trust.... Yes, absolute trust. I myself do not understand how this happened, how two strongest warriors, independent and proud, with iron principles, so unconsciously opened up to each other, fully accepting both themselves and their beloved, and somehow magically became one ...

- How solemnly and quietly the sunset is burning down!
- Believe me, the night will be no less beautiful ... - my beloved hands grabbed my shoulders, and I felt how My Wind inhales the scent of my hair.
- With you - for sure...

A kiss, another one - light and weightless ... and how do you do it? You turn me to you and kiss my eyes, temples, slide down my cheeks, touch my lips with your fingers - as if asking permission to continue ... how can I resist if you have become my air? So let me breathe! Breathe life into me! The touch of your lips to mine - and I again fly in the warm light that envelops us - it seems that it has always been that way, even before our birth on earth ... The mind, of course, does not remember anything, but the soul ... I know that you feel the same as I do: I see it in your eyes, I feel it in your touch, I hear it in your music ... How strange ... two souls open to each other - and two hearts that beat side by side in unison.

And when the stars light up in turn, beckoning with a silvery light behind the secret hidden in the blue of the heavens, I know: your touch is my path on the star bridge.

I look into such beloved and bottomless eyes, knowing that words are not enough for the ocean that splashes in my heart:
- I love you...
- I love you... much more!

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