Ridiculous fingers

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How many times have you done something good and a person, most commonly an elder or guardian, had given a thumbs up to you for doing such an amazing job? Or how many times have you given a thumbs up to someone else? Pretty awesome, right? Well, now imagine someone holding up their middle finger at you.

How dare thou!

That person just raised that finger at you. Yeah, how are you going to take it? Well, most people would flip out and start ranting on trying to get back at that person, while others just shrug their shoulders and move on. Besides, it's just a finger, right?

Right. Or, wrong if you are the other half of the human population who flip out every time that finger is used directing at you. Well, allow me to explain how ridiculous this seems: You just got a thumbs up. Great! What a great gesture. Yes, I love it when that happens. You just got the middle finger. You're now flipping out. Because it wasn't just any finger, it was that finger. The audacity!

But really, you're going to flip out over a finger?

I, personally, find it absolutely ridiculous that we people get so upset over a finger. We have ten fingers in total that are perfectly able to do other harmful things and people get upset over just one. Honestly, what is so important about it? Someone just raised a finger at you, what are you going to do? It's amazing that people have been able to make so much out of so little, and we fall for it! That finger means a word (which I will not state) that we don't like. Does it make any difference? No, it's still a finger. Maybe I'm over-thinking this and my brain just can't fathom the ridiculousness that a single finger can cause. Feel free to comment your ideas.

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