He came back and handed her her lightsaber. She smiled and grabbed it. "Thanks.." An awkward silence laid between the two as Juno looked at the small fire pit crackling beside her.

"I'm sure deans fine, we'll get him ba-" he was interrupted by a knock on the door of the hut they were in. "Excuse me"

At that moment Juno realized they were high up in the trees, just like the small Wookiees lived in. This is where he's been hiding all these years.

He opened the door and greeted a man with long brown hair tied up into a bun with a red band. He had half of his face tattooed with a skull. His face was painted with battle scars just as her father was.

Behind the man a girl stood there rocking back and forth on her feet. She seemed bored. She had blonde hair that went down to her shoulders with cute bangs bouncing on her forehead. Even looked to be Junos age. She spotted Juno and looked at her curiously.

When they finished talking the guy handed her dad something. He nodded and shut the door. "Alright Juno I'll be gone for a little while, get some rest alright?" He spoke gently as he was gathering things, aware of her headache.

"Here's some soothing cream for your burns" he handed her the bowl. "Who were those people Crosshair?" She looked to the door.

He stopped. "Not even dad?..." he said sadly, she glared at him, "You know what you did, don't think I forgot." she growled, he avoided her eyesight. "Rest, Juno." Crosshair begged, standing up he walked to the door with his bag, "Please." He titled his head and left.

Juno sighed. Maybe she should rest, but those people stayed in her mind, especially that girl. Who was she? Yet another sigh escaped her mouth before she laid down again, the idea of being back with one of her parents danced in her mind.

The morning light came shining through the small windows of the hut. Juno groaned and rubbed her eyes before she heard someone shuffling by her, she swung out her lightsaber and pointed it at the person.

He looked shocked and put up his hands. "Just me heh" he smiled awkwardly and continued working on a piece of equipment.

"Who are you?" Juno snarled, "I am tech" he said calmly.
"Who ARE you?" She put the lightsaber closer but he didn't seem to care, just reached over to grab a tool, "I am tech. Your fathers brother" she paused. "Brother?" He hummed in response, still not looking at her.

"Where's my dad?" She said warily.

"Out on patrol, he makes sure no one finds their way in. You know he was a sniper in the clone wars" "I uh... actually don't know my father really well, he wasn't in my life much" she put the saber away and sat up.

"Oh..." Tech looked at her for a moment before continuing his work, pushing up his goggles. "Crosshairs uh not much of a talker, he was mistreated a lot as a boy. But.. seeing the way he looked when he brought you here, I saw joy on his face. Been a while since I've seen that" Tech smiled, probably reliving old memories.

"Hey uh.." she shuffled closer, "Who's that dude with the long hair, and the girl?" Juno asked curiously. "That "dude" with the long hair is Hunter, our oldest brother. Or- Echo is technically.." he rubbed his chin, "Hunter acts tough but we know him for the softy he is. The girl is omega, our sister. Since clones grow faster than usual people she appears to be your age when in reality, she'd be about 10. She's matured a lot on her journey though. Good kid" Tech chuckled.

"How many siblings do you have?" Juno joked, "1,728,000,000" Tech said with no hesitation as Junos eyes widened comically.

"I'm just messing with you, but eh not really." He shrugged, pushing up his goggles again. "God I need to fix that strap, fucks sake" he whispered the last part as if he wasn't allowed to say it and toyed with the strap of his goggles.

Juno looked unsure, "I have Crosshair, Hunter, Omega, Echo and Wrecker. Even our droid Gonky. That's our crazy defective little bunch. Echos out collecting food and who knows what Wreckers doing" he sighed.

"You'll like Echo. He's sweet." Tech stood up, "I must get going. I really only came in here to grab something, I didn't expect you to wake. Hope we talk again, this was nice" he gave her a smile and left before she could answer, "You did most of the talkin but alright" Juno stood up and stretched.

She took in a sharp breath as the cracks on her hands opened up old wounds. "Damn dude" she grabbed the bowl and lathered her hands in the oil, she smiled in relief as the pain became a bit more bearable.

The door to the hut opened again and in came someone new. He had brown hair that came down in nice beach waves. She caught a glimpse of some sort of technology under his hair though.

He looked to her and smiled, "Echo" "Ah, Juno" He handed her a basket of fruits.

"Oh- thanks" she took them gratefully, "Is the oil okay? I've used it on burns before but yours are more severe than mine" he asked, "Oh yeah! It's great, thanks, helps way more than you think" she rubbed her hands together softly.

"Take care then, let me know if you need anything else" he smiled once more and left. Echo was nice, Tech was right. They must feel good to have a nice older brother, not many got that royalty.

Realizing she still had that raging headache she sat down on the cot again and fell back asleep, feeling a bit more safe and sound.

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