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They walked down the street in the night in silence looking for their target. Hunter was running up along the tops of the buildings also keeping a look out.

"I don't understand why I'm not where hunter is right now" Crosshair growled into the quiet, y/n shrugged, "I honestly don't understand it either. Your the sniper!" Crosshair didn't respond.

"Take a left up ahead" Tech said through y/n and crosshairs earpieces. He was navigating them through from the ship. Wrecker had to stay with him because this is only a stealth mission.

"Guys, street lamp just up ahead. He's leaning against the wall. See him?" Hunter quietly said to them from the roof.

Suddenly their target looked over and none of us were prepared for it. They heard Hunter drop to cover himself.

Y/n couldn't think of anything to seem less suspicious. Then something came to her mind that made everyone uncomfortable.

She grabbed Crosshairs chin making her look at him and then kissed him. Crosshair was shocked and put his hands against the wall behind them. She shoved him into it to make it more believable.

"Y/n" he stopped and pointed. Their suspect scoffed and walked away grossed out.

"What the hell was that for?!" He scowled, shoving her away and wiped off his lips in annoyance.

"I'm sorry okay! I didn't know what else to do! What? Stop drop and roll?" She argued back.

He rolled his eyes.

"I thought it was cute" Hunter said from the room, half his body dangling off the roof holding a holo-recorder in his hand with a mischievous smirk plastered right on his face.

"You forget I can climb Hunter?" y/n said, leaping up, scaling the wall in a quick motion. It wasn't even a big building anyway.

Hunter yelped in fear and began running. Y/n leaped on him and he took her down with him.

She grabbed his shoulders, "Hunter."


"Give me the recording"




"Give me the fuc-"

"I'll give it back to you if you kiss him again" he cut her off.

"HUNTER!" She yelled in surprise. He giggled in response.

"Guys please- we gotta catch this guy he literally stole a kyber crystal" Tech said into the com.

"Oh right"
"Oh yeah, forgot about that"

Hunter jumped up and ran away. "WE GOT A MISSION, HURRY UP" he laughed again.

Y/n sighed and jumped off the building. Her buddy was missing.

"OW! YOU LITTLE FU-" a very distinct voice said into the com.

Shortly after a very distinct burst of laughter happened a little bit ahead. Y/n ran over to see Crosshair on the floor with the target in a headlock.

"AHAHAHAHAHAAA!! HE BIT CROSSHAIR" hunter scream laughed from on the roof, he slammed his hand against the stone several times. Y/n laughed with him.

"It's not funny that really fucking hurt" Crosshair tightened his grip on the guy.

"Awwww, do you need a bandaid for your boo boo?" y/n cooed at him. "Ya know I could just like.... let this guy go" Crosshair glared at her, and she know he wasn't messin around. When he made threats they usually happened.

"Well, you guys made fun of me and y/n kissed me, so..." Crosshair smirked and let the guy go. "RUN FREE!" He called after the guy booked it.

"CROSSHAIR!!" Everyone said in unison, even Tech.

"GOD DAMN IT!" Hunter and y/n chased after him once more while Tech gave a stern yelling to unconcerned Crosshair.

"Oh shush they'll be fiiiiine" he turned off the com and leaned against the wall.

"Pay backs a BITCH" he said and pulled out a toothpick.

Clone wars Crosshair imagines/one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant