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It was an all out war.

"None of the batch is coming out alive except me and you, Tech. I'll make sure of it. We will end these rats one by one. I hope their downfall hurts their dumb, pathetic pride." Crosshair told Tech as they held onto the tree.

Tech smirked and nodded.

"Heads up. Heat signatures coming from south west. Looks to be Wrecker and Hunter."

Tech and Crosshair climbed and perched on branches that supported their weights.

"You ready Cross?...." Tech said with a sinister tone.

"ready as I'll ever be.."


The footsteps became more clear.


Their weapons in hand.


Time to play kids.

Hunter got hit straight in the nose and fell back with a hard thud.

"HUNTER!!" Wrecker shouted

The second snowball aimed for Wreckers crotch and hit it spot on, the screech gave them satisfaction. They swung across the trees to get away.

"THERE THEY ARE, GET THEM Y/N!" Hunter shouted

"We're the gods of snowball fights!! Try us you bugs and you'll get zapped!" Crosshair called down.

Y/n tried to race after them but lost track of them. She flipped down her visor to look for heat signatures but found none. That was until she was hit in the back of the head with a snowball, their snarky laughs filled the silence before seeping into the quiet again.

"What fuckers!" Y/n swore. "Plan B guys, bring in the big guns" y/n said into the com.

They were walking along the trees before they stopped.

"Been a while brothers... you may think your the apparent 'gods' of snowball fights but..."

He chuckled and shook his head.

"That's just not true. And what I'm about to do right now? Well.. heh, I'm gonna enjoy it..."

Echo began pelting them with snowballs, Rex, Jesse, and Cody followed close behind.

Crosshair and Tech screeched as they climbed down and ran.

"SPLIT UP T, MEET BACK POINT BLANK!" Cross shouted over the fire, Tech threw up a thumbs up and they ran.

Things went quiet for a while. Tech and Crosshair met up again. "Make this quick, how long will it be T?" Crosshair whispered, "Not long. They'll regret what they did." He smirked.

Just minutes later they were set up.

Crosshair walked into the clearing and onto a rock. The others appeared from the tree line.

"Give it up you two! You've already lost. Make it easier on yourself, for the greater good!" Hunter called out.

Crosshair chuckled, shaking his head and flicking his tooth pick away. He jumped down from the rock.

"Your so naive... and what we're about to do?"

Crosshair recited.

"I'm going to enjoy it" He smiled.

Behind him an army of heavy droids stood up, Tech riding on the shoulders of the biggest one. Their guns aimed at them. Hunter and y/n gasped. Echo was already running. He knew when to draw the line. Wrecker, Jesse, Rex, and Cody held their ground, snowballs ready.

Soon snowballs were flying, y/n, Cody, and Jesse were taken down in the crossfire. Rex and hunter got one droid down but were flown back by the others.

Wrecker stood in front of the biggest one, "I'm sorry young one, but this needs to be done" the gun switched to a bigger gun. Wreckers eyes widened and he was brutally flown back by the biggest boulder of a snowball ever made.

Needless to say. They definitely won that day.

Clone wars Crosshair imagines/one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now