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A/N: this is Jack's POV of the last chapter <3. So the same things will be happening, just with his thoughts :). I recommend reading this chapter too tho <3 xoxo.


"It's actually so crazy that we're the best football players in England, don't ya think?" Rashford points out, "well yeah, but there's probably someone out there better than all of us" Foden points out. Why tf are we talking about this.

"Phil how's Ronnie and your girl?" I ask Foden to start a somewhat normal conversation, "great, Ronnie started saying some sentences" Phil tells obviously he's proud. That little baby talking, no way. Time flies way too fast. "Already?" I ask, "yeah it's wild" Foden say.

"Sup muthafuchas" Mount comes and ruins the moment. That dick. "You ruined the moment dick ass" rice say, "what moment?" Mount ask curious. "Ronnie started saying sentences" Phil say, "aw how cute" Mount say and dump down into the little circle of us.

"So we're getting an assistant, yea?" Pickford say "I totally sweat that out" I say. "Holy fuck me too" Foden agrees. "What if he's an idiot?" Saka say, "calm down mates, he's probably a great guy" I say and we all agree.

"Team get over here" Southgate orders and we do as told. "We qualified to the Europe Cup, which means as promised means I got an assistant. Faye Henderson, but you will call her Miss Henderson. Got it?" Southgate finish off and we nod.

"Oh almost forgot I've got some rules.
1. You will be treating her with the same respect you treat me.
2. She's PROFESSIONAL, she's NOT your, sorry Faye, sex toy.
3. Which means no hooking up with her, that rule also count for you Faye.
Now I'll let miss Henderson do a quick introduction of herself." Gareth finishes and give her the word.

"Uhm well there's not a lot to know, I used to play football but stopped. I'm 23 years old. I do know the game, and I know what I'm doing. Which means don't underestimate me I guess. That's basically it, any questions?" She ask. Wow she's amazing holy-. She's so powerful to listen to.

"Jesse Lingard, why did you stop playing?" Lingard ask, "private reasons" she answers and Gareth sends us back to practice. That really wasn't a answer but ok ig. No it's not ok now I'm curious. No. But why. Ok stop it now Jack.

Coach Southgate and Miss Henderson talk while we practice then split. She's doing something on her computer. Stop it freak.

We continue practicing with Southgate yelling at us to keep up the speed and excitement and fuck I'm tired.

I walk out of the pitch and dump down next to Henderson.

"Hey" I say and she obviously got a shock, "sorry didn't mean to scare ya". She looks up from her laptop. "No worries it's ok" she assure me. I get comfortable on the uncomfortable plastic chair and take my water bottle.

"You have some pretty good techniques" she breaks the silence with a compliment. "Want me to teach ya?" I say jokingly and laugh to myself.

"Female coach huh" I say "pretty badass if you ask me, you're basically the only female who actually having an impact on the game and team." "It's pretty amazing tbh" she say.

"So you gon tell me why you stopped playing?" I try, c'mon give me an answer, I need it. "No, but seriously leave it, I'm not telling" she say, damn it. I act dramatically offended, which makes her giggle a bit. She's cute.

"At least show us some of your skills" I try once again, "maybe another time, if you're lucky mr Grealish" she say and leave me alone on the chairs. Badass.

Southgate calls us to gather and we do as told. We're like his little slaves. "Wash my feet" "yessir" "do not eat for a week" "yessir".

"Faye have been observing you today, so you better have been playing at your best, because she will have a big impact on the game. Anyways go home, sleep, be here tomorrow at 6pm again, yea?" Gareth ends his little speak. Half of us looks absolutely exhausted and miserable.

We all begin to pack our things. While packing my things I look over and see Henderson and Southgate talking.

"She's fit" I hear from behind, "you have a girl Foden" Mount say "yea good luck she'll be mine" Phillips say. I shake my head at the guys acting like 12 year olds.

"You all are childish, leave the poor girl alone" I say, "you don't think she's fit?" Foden ask, "I do trust me, but no need to be harassing her" I say and we just talk about random guy stuff.

After I finish packing my things I go out to my car and drive home.

• • •

As I enter my house I great my guards, and walk inside.

Omgosh I love my chef.

"Smells absolutely lovely Diane" I yell, and she thanks me.


A/N: as said it was mainly the same things that happened just from a different perspective. It also shows how people have it different. Faye lives in a apartment with her roommate who cooks - Jack lives in a guarded security home and has a chef cooking for him <3.

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