chapter 3 (introducing)

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3rd pov

"I have to take This rockruff to professor kukui so she can rest" ash said, "alright, bye ash" kiawe said as he walks away, ash walks in kukui house, kukui sees him and smiles softly, "hello ash how was fishi-" kukui didn't finished as he noticed the the rockruff, "ash what happened?" He asked confused, "when pikachu and I were going fishing we found this injured rockruff...she seems not to look humans very much..." Ash said as (y/n) kept squirming wanting ash to let go off her, ash gently puts her down, rotom dex flies to them, "hello ash and pikachu! Is this rockruff yours?" Rotom dex asked as (y/n) finally gets out of ash arms and lands on her paws, she winces in pain a bit from her wounds, "well not exactly, she needs to stay here for her wounds to heal but...maybe I can't befriend her" ash said,rowlet flies down to (y/n), "coo coo? (Hi in rowlet what's your name?)" He asked, (y/n) moves her hair from her left eye to look at him, "rock...(Y/n)...)" She said, ash's dusk lycanroc tilts his head courisly and walks up to them as well.


As ash Pokemon were introducing themselves to (y/n), ash walks to them with their bowls of Pokemon food, ash places each bowl on the floor and goes to the table to eat dinner with kukui, (y/n) takes her bowl by picking it up with her mouth and carries it to the the corner of the room and sits down and eats by herself, ash sees this and sighs, "I guess she likes being alone..." He said as (y/n) eats her food in a matter of seconds, she was pretty hungry from Amelia not feeding her, it happen a lot, whenever (y/n) would lose a battle Amelia wouldn't get feed her as her sick form a punishment, and because of that she would be to weak to win battles making her eat even less, (y/n) grabs the bowl with her mouth and takes it to kukui, she places it down and nudge it to him meaning she wants more food, kukui puts more food in her bowl and then tries to pet (y/n), (y/n) growls and backs up taking the bowl and goes back to the corner she was at, "it might take a while for her to get used to us..." Kukui said, ash sighed in response,"Do you think she'll like it here?" Rowlet asked as they all ate, pikachu glances over at the rockruff, his ears lower slightly, "I'm not sure...." He said looking over to (y/n)


Everyone was asleep, (y/n) was still in that corner but with a pillow under her that kukui gave to her so she can be comfortable, (y/n) was whimpering and squirming in her sleep, she was having a nightmare

-Nightmare starts-

(Y/n) was whimpering in such fear as she was running from Amelia, she kept running in total fear, she was shaking so badly unable to stop, she looks at the figure approaching with such fear in her eyes, Amelia was walking to her with so much hate for (y/n) in her eyes, (y/n) whimpers as she realized that she has now back herself into a corner, (y/n) quickly looks back at Amelia, just in time to see her grab her and drags her to who knows where while (y/n) was whimpering loudly trying to escape her grasp

-nightmare ends-

(Y/n) gasped as she wakes up, she practically jumped off the pillow, she breathes heavily trying to gain back her breath, she looks around and sees that everyone is Asleep, (y/n) sighs shakily as she gets up, (y/n) had tears in her eyes as she tried to slow down her breathing,

(Y/n) gasped as she wakes up, she practically jumped off the pillow, she breathes heavily trying to gain back her breath, she looks around and sees that everyone is Asleep, (y/n) sighs shakily as she gets up, (y/n) had tears in her eyes as she tri...

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she soon calms down and looks at the doggy door, "I can't stay here!...." She thought as she ran to to doggy door and runs out of it, (y/n) couldn't exactly yawn to properly since she still needed to recover but she didn't care, she wanted to be far away from them, even if they saved her she couldn't trust them, what if they treat her like Amelia treated her, she couldn't take that chance with them, she continues to run until she found a nice empty Den to rest in, she curls up in a ball as she started to relax, "even if that human helped me...I don't fully trust him....I should be fine oy own...." She thought as she slowly drifted off to sleep

The next day-

Ash woke up, he rubs his eyes but then remember (y/n), he gets up to check up on her, he began to panic as he sees that she's not here, "she just have ran off am I gonna fine her?...." He thought but then gets a idea, he quickly gets ready and Pikachu gets on his shoulder, he quickly goes to the school hoping that maybe his friends and their Pokemon can help find her


Finally updated this UwU, I'm so sorry its a short chapter ;w;

Also I think I've improve with my drawing scenes, what do you think :3?

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Also I think I've improve with my drawing scenes, what do you think :3?

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