Chapter 10 - More trouble

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Keith's POV

I wake up to a dark room, darkness surrounds me. I couldn't see anything, I was sitting on a wooden chair, I try to get up, but to find myself tied tightly to the chair. It was cold, I didn't know where I was. The last thing I remembered was Girlfriend threatening me.

I wondered and wondered why, does she hate me? Did I do something wrong? I wanted to know, I really do. I wanted to yell for someone, anyone, but my mouth was covered.

After a few minutes I heard footsteps start to approach me. And take the cover off of my mouth. "Are you awake?~" It was a girl, but I couldn't recall whose voice it was. "Hello..? Who's there?!" then silence.. "No need to shout." the girl replied. "Who are you?" I ask them directly.

"That isn't important." They say with a stern tone. "Why wouldn't it be?"

 "Just trust me."

"How can I trust someone I don't know?"


After a few minutes of silence, I heard a switch get flicked. The sudden bright light blinded me, but after a few seconds, I could be able to see clearly again.

That's when I finally saw them. The person that I was talking to.


"Hmmm..? You actually recognized me, I'm impressed." She chuckles. "What are you doing here?!" I yell. "Just doing a lil' something for a friend. Although I didn't expect to see you here either." "Where's my girlfriend?" She suddenly starts laughing loudly.

"What's so funny..?" "Well, to make it clear, she IS that one friend." "What?? I don't understand.." "Of course you don't, blueberry." After that, she starts laughing once again. I don't say anything else out of annoyance.

A few minutes pass, and I hear someone coming down the basement stairs. There stood a figure tall, and still, whatever it was, It was giving of a dark aura. Cassandra suddenly speaks, "Oh, there you are! The rat's awake." The figure starts to approach me..

"You didn't think you would've gotten off easily, did you?" I then realize who it was and what they meant. "Girlfriend? Is that you..? What are you talking about..?" She lets out an evil chuckle. Still with the same demon-like appearance "Oh, you know exactly what I mean, don't act like you don't know."

I sigh. "How did you find out..?" "Well, thanks to my 'friend' here, I got all the information I needed." She points at Cassandra's direction. "But, how, when, why..?" I ask Cassandra. "Well, I happened to pass by Pico's house, I was wondering what he was doing, so I took a peak in one of the windows. Little did I know, I was apparently interrupting something. I heard your conversation, But that was never my intention."

"I was lucky enough to hear this from Cassandra." Girlfriend pointed out. "Why did you tell her? I could've fixed this!" I screamed at Cassandra knowing it was practically the end for me. "I have all the right reasons and will, to possibly do this, you may have defeated me once, but you should've known I would come back for revenge eventually." She glares at me.

"I thought you were over that..?" "How would I be? That incident is already engraved into my soul, my intentions will not change." She deeply remarks me. "You had so much time to do what you wanted, yet you didn't?" I come back at her. "Tsk." was her only response.

"What do you even plan to do with me?" I ask. "Oh, you'll see." Girlfriend ambly walked around me. "I'll make sure you learn your lesson." I gulp at her words, not entirely sure by what she meant. Cassandra quietly listening.

..To be continued..

A/N: Hey guys! I almost forgot about this book LMAOAOAOA I'm very sorry for that- Sorry for the short update after so long, idk when school will end, but please enjoy this chapter! Thank you for the everlasting support! <3

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