Chapter 8 - A Drunk Pico

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Pico's POV

It's been hours and Keith still hasn't updated me on anything. I wonder if he even is gonna come back, he has a girlfriend anyway of course he'd be busy. I should've never let him stay here in the first place. I heard the doorbell ring so I went to go open the door.

"Hey Pico, I got the rest of my stuff."

It was Keith. "Oh, come in."

Keith steps inside, and I help him unpack his stuff "So how long are you exactly staying here..?" "Probably until you get better, why?" "Nothing." We barely talked, even if we did we'd only do small talks like "How are you?" "I'm fine." but we would stop there and won't talk for, probably the next day.


It felt quiet and awkward all the time, but one day I heard a conversation between him and his Girlfriend.. 


"Can you really not spend atleast an hour with me..?" 

"I don't know.. I'm sorry.."


"Maybe I can ask him if I can..?"

"You know you don't have to ask, it's not like he controls your life."

"But still.."

After I understood that they don't get to spend time because of me, I left and stopped eavesdropping. I heard footsteps come near me, 

"Hey, Pico?"


"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Can I go-"

"Yes, you can. Go to your girlfriend and spend time with her, tell her how much you love her. It's not like what you do is any of my business."

"..What?.. what are you talking about?"

"I heard a conversation between you and your girlfriend, alright?!"

"W-why are you yelling?"

"Because I knew I should've never let you stay here! Because of me, you and your girlfriend's relationship is falling apart.."

"Pico.. Our relationship falling apart has nothing to do with you."

Pico sighs

"But you should still go visit your girlfriend"

"Will you be alright while I'm gone?"

"Of course, I don't need you."

"It doesn't matter if you need me or not, I have to take care of you."


"Stay here alright? Text me if you need anything."

"Sure, Dad."

Keith chuckles

Third Person POV

Keith says goodbye to Pico closing the door behind him and leaving, going to his car, he starts the car making his way to his girlfriend's house. Once he arrives he stops in front of his girlfriend's house texting her that he's outside, His girlfriend comes out of her house approaching Keith while he's sitting still inside his car.

When Keith realizes Girlfriend is inviting him inside her house, he parks the car and goes inside the house with his girlfriend. They sit in the living room chatting about their future goals and plans, Girlfriend is suggesting going on a vacation just them alone, but Keith refuses. He explains he can't with him taking care of Pico. 

They continue talking about eachother while someone else listens to their conversation..

Pico's POV

I was thinking about what to do since Keith was gone, although I don't know when he will come back, then a thought came to mind. What if I hangout with my friends? I start to text my friends, They were inviting me to a bar. I decline but they kept on insisting so I just accepted out of annoyance.

I start to get ready and ask them where we would meet up. Once I was ready I got outside and started walking all the way to the gathering place. I saw them and I went up to them, once they saw me, we started walking all the way to the nearest bar since we were all too lazy to get a taxi.

After a few minutes we finally got to the bar Darnell was talking about. We went inside and saw a few people, but not to much. We all decided to get some drinks and chat, Nene, not being strong with alcohol didn't get any drinks.

We talked for atleast 10 minutes and Darnell already drank 4 shots of vodka, I only drank beer since I didn't want to end up too wasted, I didn't want to rely on my friends to bring me home either. Darnell, being the person he is just keeps on talking about fire and explosives.

Then he starts ask about our "experiences" in bed, Darnell could always be really weird to the point me and Nene just ditch him, but drunk Darnell is definitely way worse. Not just him, but sometimes Nene also acts a bit crazy, too much that she almost killed herself that one time.

I don't even know how I'm friends with these two. I can't even reach to their point of craziness, I maybe always carrying guns but it doesn't mean I'm crazy enough to just randomly blow up a whole city, or kill myself because I wasn't good looking enough to live anymore.


Okay maybe the last part was a little close but not the other half of it.. Sometime has passed and me and Darnell are already too drunk, Nene just looks at us, clearly pissed. She drags both of us out of the bar to prevent us from drinking more, and she brings us back to her own house.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm still alive lmao, I haven't forgot about you guys so don't worry, I'll still be continuing the book I just got kind of lazy. I'm just trying to make the book a little more interesting so you guys won't back out halfway lol, a little bit more drama is my interest so I'll probably put more of that. I'll try to post atleast once a week? I'm not sure yet, but I'm already done with my school. I just need to stare at the wall and think of more ideas to have a regular update schedule, Anyways sorry for the long A/N! Bye guys! :D 

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