" Wassup, science boi." I asked with a grin.

" Better than you, fake detective" Norris replied with a cold smirk.

Then we laughed and hugged each other.

" So, why you remembered me today?" Norris asked.

I took out the pouch with the white substance and showed it to him.

" I want you to fetch every possible knowledge for this thing." I said.

" So you trust me afterall?" Norri asked with a proud smile.

" I guess, yeah. Don't tell anyone else about this. I took it without police's permission." I warned Norris.

" So you are a criminal now? You are a master of downfall." Norris said with a chuckle.

" Anyway, come in. It might take some time to do this. My microscope needs a bit cleaning along with other apparatus." Norris said.

" So you are jobless right nowadays, eh?" I asked in a teasing tone as we walked into the house.

" I have college life too so I am not exactly jobless." Norris replied.

" Whatever, its your time to shine." I said with a smile.


Now I see why Gary accepted my company to the gym.

Bastard clearly wanted to flex his musceles!

Gary could easily lift a 7 kg dumbell up and down 30 times.

Guess, he is really dedicated for his physique.

He already has a good face, making him a magnet for girls.

Many women who were in the gym were staring at Gary with facination.

And Gary was staring at me with a grin.

Nevermind, whatever his motives are, I got what I wanted-

A day with him.

" Sir, have you paid for your registration in this gym?" The gym instructor asked me as ge walked towards me.

" I haven't but I will stay here for today only. You see, I am a detective and I want to keep an eye on that guy." I said, pointing at Gary who nodded back.

Then I showed the instructor my lisence.

" Alright, but for today only. " the instructor said in a grumpy voice before walking away.

" Your cooperation is appreciated!" I said with a smile as I continued to watch Gary.

A girl walked towards me.

" Excuse me, do you have a thing for men?" She asked with a teasy grin.

I sighed.

I hope that I get well- paid for this shit.


" I am done!" Norris called out from his room.

I turned off Norris's TV, got up from his bed walked into the room where he was.

" What is it?" I asked Norris.

" First of all, tell me one thing. Was Fred taking this thing?" He asked in a sincere tone.

" Fred would never take such shits." I muttered.

" I hope you are right cause its a dangerous drug." Norris replied.

" I already guessed that it might be a drug. Tell me in more detail about this drug." I asked.

" I later searched about it, it is called  Dymforous. Its a drug that enhances physical strength and makes the intaker invurnable to pain for a while." Norris replied.

" A drug would never have merits alone, right?" I asked.

" Off course, it has many demerits too, fatal enough to cause death if not taken measures. Dymforous causes suffocation, extreme headache as well as blurry vision." Norris explained.

" I never heard about this drug, is it new?" I asked.

" Yeah, was made 2 months ago only. There are barely 2 to 3 websites that provide information about it." Norris said.

I came to a conclusion.

A very important one.

A conclusion that shreded all the mystery apart.

The killer would have easily killed Fred as he was too skinny and peaceful to fight anyone.

However, he would have taken the drugs before dealing with the cops.

He must have worn a bullet-proof vest that would have protected him against gunshots.

Afterall, cops are never heavily armed enough to deal with bullet-proof things.

With the drug's effects, he would have easily dealt with 4 or 5 cops.

He could have easily taken down me and Kevin too but fled before encountering us.

The drug's side effects must have worned out his durability.

The killer.......

He turned out to be a human afterall.

A human that fooled us bad enough to consider it a ghost.

" You still there??" Norri asked as he raised his hand near my face.

" Y-Yeah, thanks for your help , bro." I said with a smile as I patted his back.

" What happened to your hand, anyway?" Norris asked.

" Nothing much , just a minor accident." I said with a deep sigh.

" Alright, gotta go now!" I said before walking towards the front door.

" Don't forget to throw a party when your case gets solved!" Norris said.

As I walked on the street, only one thought fluttered inside my head,

How the heck did he got in when both the guards were present at the gate all the time?

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