The Return of Strongbow

Start from the beginning

Back in the castle, Lance and Ivana were telling Rapunzel and (Y/n) a story of one of their adventures as Cassandra was standing nearby. "So there I was, Princesses... Angry warlord to my left, ferocious dire wolves to my right, gold coins in my hand, and where's my faithful partner, Flynn Rider? Turns out this warlord had these twin daughters who were--" Eugene tell interrupted him. "Who were on vacation far, far away." Rapunzel rolled her eyes at him. "Oh, come on, Eugene. I may have grown up in a tower, but give me a little credit." (Y/n) and Ivana were snickering at him. Cassandra walks up to Lance, who was snatching a few cups. "Pray tell, how did three fine, upstanding citizens, such as yourselves, manage to find each other?" Eugene then puts back the cups. "Oh, we go way back, all the way to the orphanage. Ivana was just a baby when the three of us met." 

Ivana nods in agreement. "It's true, we've known and looked out for each other for a long time. Since no one else would. You can say that the three of us a like family. "Aw, that's so sweet." (Y/n) smiled. 

"So, Lance and Ivana Strongbow, if you guys are so tight, where have you been all these years?" Cassandra questioned them. Eugene noticed another item inside Lance's shirt and immediately puts it back before anyone could see. "Where have we been? More like, where haven't we been?" Lance chuckles. "You were in prison, weren't you?" Cassandra smirked as she crossed her arms. "Mostly, me, yes. Ivana had to find ways to bust me out. But you know, right now, we're not thinkin' about where we've been. we're thinking about where we're headed." Lance said as he playfully messed his sister's hair. Ivana was able to get away from Lance and glared at him playfully. (Y/n) laughed in excitement. "Now that's the right attitude." 

"And right now, I'm headed to the bathroom." Lance heads towards the bathroom. "Oh. Still, the attitude." Rapunzel spoke. Cassandra clears her throat. Signaling one of the guards to follow Lance. Pete follows her order. "Oh, come on! Lance is my friend!" Eugene exclaims. "You're right. Stan, go with Pete." Cassandra said as Stan goes with Pete. "Hey, hey, Lance might not be the straightest arrow in the quiver, but he's our guest. He's a good guy, and we don't need to shadow him." Eugene tries to defend his friend. "Yeah, my brother may not be bright, but he's still a good guy." Ivana crossed her arms. "Come on, Cass. Eugene and Lance are old friends, along with Ivana. There's no way you guys wouldn't take advantage of that." (Y/n) spoke out. Ivana shook her head. "Nope, we wouldn't do that to him." 

"Well, I don't trust the guy. I don't know what he's up to, but whatever it is, I don't like it." Cassandra turned towards Ivana. "Same goes for you, Ivana." Ivana held her hands up in defense. (Y/n) placed her hand on Ivan's shoulder and told her just to ignore Cassandra. "Look, Cassandra, I know you'd love nothing more than to see one of my old friends embarrass me, and I hate to disappoint you, but my friend Lance and Ivana are not "up to" anything." Eugene continued to defend them. 

Later that night, (Y/n) was helping Ivana settle into a room that was next to hers. "Alright. I think that should be everything hear to make you sleep well." (Y/n) placed one more blanket on the bed. "Thanks, Princess (Y/n)." Ivana smiled before she hopped on the bed. 

"Oh, please. I'm with (Y/n)." 

"Okay, thanks, (Y/n). Again for defending me and my brother. I get it we're thieves, but we did to survive you know." 

(Y/n) smiled as she sat next to Ivana. "No problem. And I'm glad to have someone new around my age to talk to." 

Ivana laughed. "Me too. It was hard to find kids around my age to hang with." 

(Y/n) smiled and got an idea. She thought the two of them could have a sleepover. Ivana bounced in excitement since this will be her very first sleepover. (Y/n) went over to her room quickly to grab more items to start on their sleepover. She brought extra pajamas for Ivana, games, extra pillows, and blankets. Brielle sits on Ivan's should as the two girls were playing a board game. They were a laugh and telling stories, and just having fun like regular 14-year-olds. As they counted to play their game, they heard a knock on the door. (Y/n) went to answer it and it was Rapunzel and Cassandra as they were holding snacks and milk. 

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