Ralph Macchio (love part 2, last part)

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After Ralph rang the doorbell, I went outside with him and he opened the car door for me. His car was super nice! It was a light yellow vintage looking car. "Okay, ready to go? Yup"! I responded. We drove for about 10 minutes while listening to music. The radio was set to a rock station, and it was pretty awkward to listen to music and not say anything, but it would be more awkward if it was silent. We finally pulled up to the restaurant and got out of the car. We didn't have reservations so we hoped they would have room for us. "Hi, do you have an open table for two? I asked. I'm sorry we're all booked up right now. Aw man, alright, thanks", I said. We walked away and got back in to the car. "Well, where are we gonna go now? I have an idea", Ralph said while smiling. We buckled up and drove away. I wondered where Ralph was gonna take us...

We pulled up to a supermarket that had a faded sign and dim lights. "Um are you sure they're not closed? I asked. Yeah I'm sure, this is just how things are in Reseda", he said laughing. We went inside and Ralph told me to grab anything I want. We both ran off in different directions and started grabbing food. I grabbed some chips, twinkies, and a bunch more unhealthy snacks. I ran around a corner and came to a halt as I was about to bump in to Ralph. We stood right in front of each other, so close that I could hear him breathing. We looked in to each others eyes, and stood silent until we heard that the store was closing soon over the speakers. We finished grabbing everything we wanted and went to check out. We left the store and Ralph drove us to a park. It was empty and quiet, which was a perfect spot. We took out our food and started eating.

We finally put the food away and we still had some time left until we needed to go home, so we ran over to the playground. We both got on the swings and joked around for a bit. I had just met Ralph, and I already really liked him. We were running after each other and then we both fell in to the sand. I landed on top of Ralph and we started laughing. We finally stopped goofing off, and there we were. We were as close to each other as possible and all I wanted was to kiss him. He stared in to my eyes as I leaned in and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me close as I kissed him again. 

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