kyle asked.

the crest kids? my whole school freaks out when some new kids come.

" the crest kids??"

I asked. kinda feeling left out but I really didnt care.

" yea the boys are super hotttt!"

vikki said popping the T.

" naw but the new girl is smoking"

kyle said then lance shouted" hotter then hell".

" no she looks all goth and any ways you guys are not even gonna get a chance you know Cj's brothers will take her".

vikki said wich is true.


klye said thats the only time they"ll stay away from girls if one of us calls dibs.

" i,ll try kyle but they allwys call first".

" look" lance shouted.

and I turned my head to the entrance of the cafetiria. I saw the most beautiful girl in the planet maybe even the universe.she had black shiny hair to her shoulder and perfect tan skin wich you could tell is natural and she had beatiful dark green eyes. 4 tall guys where behide her.

" MINE!!!"

Me and mark shouted. I heard him from the other table witch was in front of mine.and the whole school turned around as she passed by our table and she WINKED AT ME!!!.

I allmost passed out. I mean she winked at me and my whole body jumped . the guys that where behide her glared at me. i,m guessing there are her brothers. 2 of them have have dark brown hair and 1 has brown hair and the tinest of(but hes still tall) has jet black hair and is pale the rest of them are tan. they( the CREST kids) went to a table in the back of the cafeteria.

" dude she winked at you go talk to her!"

lance said.

' what?"

I said nervosly. I wont even know what to say to her.

" yes go!! she was so checking you out"

kyle said.

" I-I-I cant"


and with that said I stood up and I started walking to where she was. and I have been letting my brothers get the girl after all she did wink at me.

I now was in front of her table and she smiled right at me . and my heart started pounded so loud you can hear it , and I kept saying in myhead dont say anything stupid

she looked staight at me with those big green eyes saying

"whats your name?

in the most adroeable voice ive ever heard and I got so nervous.

" tc uh cj wait wait "

I turned around to look at my sleeve cause my mom puts our names in our clothes because its so confusing for her who's clothes are who's

" yea i,m Cj".

i said feeling so stupit right now.

she laughted and let me just say EVEN HER LAUGH IS BEATIFUL.

" so do you wanna sit down with us?"

ahhhh in your face mark. I smiled.

" sure"

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