12. marriage?

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          the tension was absolutely killing her. She stood in front of him, not breaking eye contact as they stood in silence.

"You're—" he stopped himself from uttering another word. Instead, he took a small step back, secretly hoping that she'd pull him back in.

But she didn't, she cleared her throat and stared down at the floor instead.

Should he just take the chance? Was it too soon? He didn't know what to do as he stood frozen in place.

Solange tilted her head to the side, staring at him with a complexed look.

"You good, toothless?" God that nickname, he absolutely adored when she called him that "Mhmm" he nodded and scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I should probably head out now, it's getting dark and I told my family that I'd be home for dinner" she smiled at him.

"I'll give you a ride"

Something fishy is going on!

Earlier this month, another new couple was revealed. And it was none other than Mason's teammate and Solange's friend; Kai Havertz and Ivonne Martone.

Which caused a lot of confusion and suspicion.

The pair seemed to have only known each other for a short period of time before jumping into a relationship.

Both Kai and Mason has come out of fresh breakups, it would be odd for the them to link up with two best friends so shortly after, right?

Which leads us to the ultimate question; could it all be fake?! Maybe a way for them both to redeem themselves from the messy breakups?

Whatever it is, something fishy is going on!

the wander uk

"You can join us if you want to, I think dad would love it if you did" she suggested while they stood on her front porch.

Mason nodded his head excitingly and she chuckled at him "I mean, not that I want to; don't get it twisted" she jokingly said.

"Awe, you love me, dollface. Just admit it" he teased and threw his arms around her, engulfing her into a tight hug.

"Ugh, as if" she rolled her eyes although he could see her smiling. Like always.

They entered the house together, she assumed that her brother and father were in the dining room already. And they were.

"Hey" she greeted and watched as her father's eyes hopped from her to the brunette next to her.

"Mason, it's been a long time. Sit" he smiled, wrinkles forming around his eyes.

"How are you holding up, Cole?" He chucked and took a seat next to him while Solange sat next to Benjamin.

She raised an eyebrow. Cole? Since when were they on first name basis?

"I've been good, son, and you? Causing quite the commotion in Chelsea" He joked and Mason grinned.

"Ive just been keeping my head down, working hard and that" Mason shrugged casually while he waited for everyone to take however much they wanted from the pot of Carbonara in front of him.

"I like that, I hear you're dating Solange too, must be quite the work, huh?" Cole laughed "I'm kidding, she's a blessing"

"That she is" Mason agreed, sending her a teasing look.

Neither Cole or Benjamin were aware of the deal between the two.

Suddenly a call interrupted their laughter. She pulled up her phone and furrowed her eyes at the screen. A picture of Luca popped up and she pressed the green button.

"Is everyone present?" Was the first thing he said as she nodded her head in confusion and propped it up against the rack of paper towels.

"Great, I've got amazing news for you lot" he grinned from ear to ear "oh hey Mase! Glad to have you here as well!"

"What is it Luca?" Benjamin raised his eyebrows.

"I'm getting married this summer!"

that's a wrap for season one lol. A lot of character development, innit? But yh there'll be much more going on in the next "episodes"<3

Iceegirll productions

𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈; Mason Mountजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें