Final Selection

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      8 months later

"Kamado shonen! Are you ready?" Rengoku asked, appearing out of no where and making Tanjiro jump a bit. Rengoku couldn't help but laugh

"Yes! I'm ready!" Tanjiro responded as he smiled. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Make sure to come back alive" Uzui said with a large smile. "Don't worry, I will!"

However, Uzui just got closer to his face. "That was an order, I mean it" he said in a low voice. Tanjiro couldn't help but shiver
"Yes! Please do come back!" Rengoku shouted. Tanjiro couldn't help but smile and nod

"And besides, once you come back, we'll go find some women for you! I already have some good options" Uzui said with a smug smile
"Yes! I want some nephews and nieces too!" Rengoku yelled with a chuckle

"Really guys? And Rengoku-nii, I'm only 15!" Tanjiro shouted while face palming. "But you're about to turn 16, so no excuses!" Rengoku responded
"I'll only be 16! And tengen-nii, I'll find my wife's on my own pace" Tanjiro stated while pointing his index finger at Uzui

"Fine fine. Now hurry up and go! You're just wasting time!" Uzui shouted. "Ah yes! Good bye Rengoku nii, Uzui nii, !" Tanjiro said as he hugged the adults. Rengoku happily hugged back while Uzui gave him head pats.

"Bye!" Tanjiro bid farewell one more time, waving, before putting on his face mask on leaving. Uzui frowned worryingly

"Don't worry, he will make it back alive and well" Rengoku said, trying to reassure him....

And himself

Uzui noticed this and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, he'll make it back. In fact, he's pretty overqualified for this, even for a tsuguko" Uzui said with a smile......also trying to reassure himself

They know that Tanjiro can pass, but they just couldn't get rid of that feeling of worry. "Yeah....I know....well come on, I'll treat you to some udon!" Rengoku yelled

'Well....some udon restaurant is gonna turn rich today' Uzui thought as he stared at Rengoku


'So, this is the final selection? It looks so beautiful! And there are a lot of people...' Tanjiro thought, looking at his surroundings

The place was filled with wisteria trees, and there seemed to be over 40 participants. Tanjiro quietly thanked Uzui for giving him the face mask. Or else he might have been scared and sweating all over

He looked at the participants and they all seemed to be around his age. But the only ones that caught his eyes was a blonde with a scared scent, some guy with a boar head, a guy with a scar on his cheek, and a girl surrounded by butterfly's.

Suddenly, a white haired girl and a black haired boy came out, both appearing to be twins. "Welcome to the final selection"

(Ok, so....yeah I can't really find what they're speech said so I'll just copy and paste....

The Final Selection is an entrance exam for individuals who seek to become a Demon Slayer of the Demon Slayer Corps. The exam takes place on Fujikasane Mountain, where Wisteria flowers bloom every season from the mountain's foot to its slope. The area around the mountaintop does not have any Wisteria flowers and is infested with Demons, which were caught alive and placed on the mountain by existing Demon Slayers. Since Wisteria is poisonous to Demons, the Demons remain trapped on the mountain top and cannot leave.

The exam requires the examinee to survive seven nights on the mountaintop, without any outside aid. Candidates who successfully survive the seven nights are then permitted to become official members of the Demon Slayer Corps. At the end of the exam, they get to choose their own ore for their Nichirin Blade and, additionally, receive their own uniform and Kasugai Crow.)

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