Part 1-what happend on our way to NY

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Arizona's POV:
"1... 2... 3.... push! Arizona push!" She screams at me
"It Was a bad idea! you should have done it,
NOT ME! and its not helping, you screaming at me" I said to her. "One more Ar, you got it" She whispered in my ear, "I love you" I said to her when Im half smiling half crying from the pain...

Oh sorry I forgot you know nothing.
Ok so I'll start from the beginning, from the minute me and Sofia left Seattle.
So after I decided to fly back to New York with Sofia I talked to Callie and she told me she and Penny broke up and that she׳s really excited to see me again and she׳s really miss me, "me to" I text her back
I can fell butterflies in my belly, She miss me, miss me? like miss me likes me?, I missed her so much. Sofia and I are waiting for the plane to NY, Sofia fell asleep in the cab and I didn't want to wake her up she looks so peaceful but we arrived to the airport and we'll miss our flight if she doesn't wake up now, so I wake her up "Sofia honey we'll miss our flight if you don't gonna wake up now, you don't want to see Mama?" I said and she didn't answer.
"You think I need to go on the big guns?... OK... here I come..." I started tickling her "Stop Mommy stoppp" Sofie said laughing "I'm up! you see?" Sofia said still laughing. "Ok let's go in, and in a few hours we'll see Mama" I said to Sofia, I can tell that she's still really tired "you can sleep on the plane Sof you look really tired" Sofia nodded "OK Mommy I can wait till the flight"

Sofia's POV:
I was really excited that my mommy's are going to see each other again, I hope they get back together. Me and mommy are on the plane now and I was soo tired and I fall asleep so i can't really remember what happened on the plane but when I woke up my mommy wasn't there and I freaked out and start crying "Mommyyy, Mommy" she didn't answer me, we are still on the plane and we still have one more hour until landing "Mommy Mommy" Im still screaming. "Hi, Sofia right? Im Christopher you can call me Chris..." It was a guy who seats on the chair next to were my mommy needs to be "I don't care who you are, how do you know my name? and WHERE IS MY MOMMY!?" I asked him but I didn't let him answer me "I just want my Mommy" I start crying. "Stop crying sweetie you'r mommy is in the bathroom she need to come back any second and she told me to tell you not to worry" I nodded and whipped my tears from my face. "Sofia! Honey"
I heard my mommy, "Mommyyy" I smiled and gave her a huge hag when she came back to her seat.
"I heard your crying all the way to the bathroom,
it broke my heart to hear you cry, it's fine Im here now sweetheart" my mommy is the best mom in the world "its ok Mommy" I said putting my head on her knees and fall asleep and she caressed my hair and kiss me on my head.

Arizona's POV:
You probably think that it was really irresponsible for me to leave my daughter with a stranger so let me explain, First I didn't really left her alone we on a plane. Second I met Chris on the plane and he is very nice man and he told me he's a neurosurgeon....
"And what you do for a living?" He asked me
"Im a pediatric, OB and a fetal surgeon"
"Oh I just realized I didn't introduce myself, Hi Im Christopher Taylor you can call me Chris, And you are?" He asked me, "Hi! Im Arizona Robbins" I said
He look at Sofia who was sleeping next to me
"Your daughter?" He asked "Yes! she's my whole world, her name is Sofia she's 9 years old" maybe I told to mach to a stranger but still it didn't feel strange at all. "I have 2 daughters in NY. Charlotte, she is the oldest she's 9 like Sofia. And Emily, she is the youngest she's 3 and my wife is currently pregnant with our little baby boy, my wife's name is Carol" he told me "ohh a new baby congratulations Im happy for you two" I said smiling.
"You have a husband? Why do you two come to NY?" He asked "No I don't have a husband, Im a lesbian and we're going to live with her Mama, my ex-wife Callie, in New York, Sofia misses her mama and I didn't want to leave her again so I came here with her" I said to him
Oh no I drank to mach water on the way and suddenly I really have to go pee.
"Can you watch her for a second? I need to go to the bathroom, If she wakes up tell her Im in the bathroom and Im right back " I asked him
"of course!" He said "thank you so much!" I said and gets up and go to the bathroom.
Now you understand? He wasn't really a stranger Im not a bad mom...
The plane landed and we got to NY, Callie waited for us at the entrance of the airport.
"Mama! You here" Sofia screamed and gave Callie a big hug "Yes Im here Sof" Callie said and hugged her back, than she hugged me, she smelled like flowers.
We all got into Callie's car and drove to her apartment.

This is my first story I published so please don't be mean if I have mistakes, Please let me know if you want another part <3

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