Yeonjun-April Fools

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Hey sorry for the inactivity, I'll try to update at least once a month now, make sure to check out my Ateez story as well🥰

April 1st was Yeonjun's favorite time of the year (next to the holidays that is). He loved pulling pranks on his hyungs and the other HYBE groups. Wei there it was a pie in the face or a taped door, he would always go all out no matter what. But this time was a little too far.

Yeonjun POV
Finally my favorite day is here! Let's see what should I do this time? I have to do better than last year. Do something I've never done before. Aha! I got it😏

No One POV
After a few hours of long hard work, Yeonjun had finally done it! He built a whole setup of pranks all over the practice room. He was so proud of his accomplishments and though this was his best prank yet. Multiple pranks were setup around the large space, from buckets of water to fake bugs, he couldn't wait to prank his members so hard! But then.....

Yeonjun POV
I suddenly get the ground shake. The lights on the ceiling were bouncing up and down and I realized it was an earthquake. I quickly got to the floor but I didn't see what was beneath me when I got to the ground. Very sharp jacks stool into my stomach. I wince in pain as I couldn't move. The pain hurt so much and the earthquake wasn't helping. When it stopped I didn't dare move as a shiver went up my body. After I calmed down, I slowly turned over and see all the jacks I had on the floor now stuck to my stomach. I didn't want to pull it out cause it hurt so much. Seeing the blood trickle from my shirt made me feel sick. I slowly started to close my eyes as I didn't want to deal with this anymore. I just wanted to go home.

Taehyun POV
Back at the dorm the members all felt the shake and quickly went to take cover. After the shake, we all wanted to make sure we were all ok. "Wait where's Yeonjun?" We all looked and remembered he was at the studio. After we made sure it was safe to go outside we jumped into the car and went to see Yeonjun. We got to the dance room and the sight made me cry. Yeonjun laid unconscious on the floor with spikes sticking out his chest and stomach. Hueningkai and Soobin quickly went over to help while I comforted a crying Beomgyu in th corner. He must have set up this whole prank for us and got hurt in the earthquake. In the slight corner of my eye I saw a tear go down Yeonjun's check. I can only imagine the pain he must be feeling.

Yeonjun POV
I woke up in a dim room in a white bed. I could barely feel my ribs and my body felt too tired to move. As I start to see better I saw the members sleeping in chairs next to the bed so I thought I was at the dorm. Then I saw an IV attached to my hand and it became clear I was in a hospital. Soobin slowly got up and saw I was awake and came over to ask if I was ok. "I'm fine hyung. What happened?" I asked trying not to wake the other members. You had jacks stuck inside your stomach. You got lucky cause one of them was close to your heart. You could've had a serious problem." Soobin said patting my head softly. "I'm sorry. If I hadn't try to prank you guys then this wouldn't have happened ." I wanted to cry but my body was too tired to do anything. "It's not your fault. You just wanted to have fun with and something bad happened it's okay. You really went all out hug?" Soobin said chucking to try and comfort me. "Yeah I really wanted to see your faces." We both quietly laugh and Soobin tells me to get some rest. I thank him for all that he and the others did for me. He kissed my forehead and told me goodnight as I drifted off to sleep.

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