chapter 1

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Mary McDonald
Mary had never had any trouble winning the favor of her male peers at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In all honesty, she found the ease of it quite humorous. On one occasion, her best friend Marlene had remarked on how "every eye snapped to attention once McDonald entered the room."
And it was true; even though she was a Muggle Born, she wondered if she might have Veela ancestry. Nevertheless, Mary found it exhausting. At least Evans was recognized for her intellect; Mary had excellent marks as well!
As she walked through the groups of muggles at Kings Cross Station in London, Mary thought about her desire to make the upcoming school term different from the rest.
There would be no more (maybe not "no more" completely) sneaking about Hogwarts with any of her many admirers.
Pushing through the throngs of people, more were looking familiar now, she kept an eye out for her friends; Marlene McKinnon, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew.
She'd had a tumultuous on-and-off again relationship with Black.
Pushing her large curls out of her eyes, she was able to truly appreciate the beauty of the train station in the early autumn. It was her favorite time of year, the air was cool in contrast to the blinding, searing heat of the sun. The crisp fallen leaves crushed underfoot as she hurried to the barrier.
Learning about her magic ability had felt like a curious feeling; a missing piece of the puzzle falling seamlessly into place. Thought it had not come without its faults. On her first day she learned of a new form of discrimination to be wielded against her! It was ridiculous and painfully disheartening.
"Double minority now, I figure." She huffed.
Running through the barrier wall was always a thrill; her first true experience of the magic lying ahead. Looking out onto the platform she noticed a tall unfamiliar dark haired boy. It reminded her of Remus, just without all of his lankiness.
Remus' friendship had been an unexpected delight, after secretly crushing on him in her first few years at school.
She observed the eyes of curious onlookers on him, most she noticed were of the fairer sex.
Walking past him she remembered her promise she'd already made for the new term; No more distracting boys!
"Mary! Mary!"
Marlene McKinnon had barreled into Mary with a hug. Although McKinnon stood tall at 5'8, Mary was only 5'3.
"So you've found her," Lily Evans sauntered up with a wide grin, followed by the rest of her friends.
Lily was a vision with her vivid red hair and fierce demeanor. Taking a step back, Mary could fully appreciate her two friends. Marlene's no-nonsense blond ponytail and wide shoulders made her the perfect Gryffindor beater.
Peter Pettigrew followed sheepishly behind James as usual. He hadn't yet caught up with his friends in height yet.
They all gave their noisy welcomes, drawing stares from onlookers.
"6th Year! Wow!" Remarked a persistently messy haired James Potter. He leered gangilingly over them, glasses perched haphazardly on his nose.
"Who would've thought?" Sirius pronounced with his usual flair for dramatics, wringing his hands in feigned misery.
"Rah, Rah!" Squealed Pettigrew raucously.
The girls all shared their usual look, which said "and what are they on about now?".
"Alright alright let's board the train!" McDonald laughed.
And without another word they hurried up to the train.
End of the first chapter!! LMK what y'all think! I can handle criticism
Kinda ;)

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