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it was the morning before prom and students were allowed the day off to prepare. the three villains were sat in their room figuring out how they were going to continue with their plan, and for once Taehyun was the one to be against it.

"guys, what if we just- didn't follow through with the plan and just enjoyed our last few days here?". Yeonjun looked up at the red head with a both shocked and confused expression. "what do you mean, Tae? you've never backed out of something like this before"

the older fixed his bow tie before fully turning to face the younger. "is it Beomgyu? has he brainwashed you into backing out?". Taehyun let out a quiet gasp and lightly glared at Yeonjun as he stood up. "Beomgyu hasn't brainwashed me into doing anything!"

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and that was when Kai stood in between the two. "hey, both of you calm down. we don't want any fights before we carry out the plan, alright?". Taehyun then looked at Kai with a sad smile. "do you actually want to go through with it?"

"Tae, all three of us are gonna end up going back to the isle whether we like it or not. what happens today will decide if we go back as friends or not". after those words left Yeonjun's mouth, the older walked out of the room leaving Taehyun and Kai in silence.

"this was your idea in the first place, Tae-" "Kai-" "no! for once i was actually excited to join you and Yeonjun in one of your plans, and the one time i agree you back out? this is so unlike you..". Kai then walked out of the room to find Yeonjun.

Kai was right.. this was unlike him. Taehyun was always the one to come up with mischievous ways to prank people back on the isle. he was always the one to carry out these tasks and drag his friends along with him. maybe he should just steal the crown with them and run back to the isle.


Taehyun ran through the school hallways as the music from the prom hall blasted in the background. he had left Beomgyu on the dance floor and began running towards where the crown was kept. he managed to reach the holding place just in time to see Yeonjun and Kai walking up to it.

he sped up and soon reached the two villains. "you didn't want to have all of the fun without me, did you?". both Yeonjun and Kai looked behind them and smiled when they saw Taehyun. Yeonjun chuckled before throwing the small duffel bag into Taehyun's hands.

"i knew you'd come around, Tae". the red head laughed lightly as Yeonjun ruffled his hair. what neither of the three noticed was a dark haired male who had ran after Taehyun once the younger left him. the brunette couldn't help but feel betrayed.

the trio happily walked into the holding centre and left Kai outside to keep watch. both Yeonjun and Taehyun quietly walked inside and stared in awe at the crown which was floating and surrounded by magical lights. the youngest of the two took a step closer and continued to stare at the crown.

he then looked back at Yeonjun who had a bright smile on his face. Taehyun's thoughts then went back to Beomgyu, the boy who he was about to leave behind the moment his hands touch the crown. he pushed those thoughts back as the only thing that was on his mind was keeping his friends.

he slowly reached out his hand towards the crown and was about to touch it when- "stop!". Yeonjun and Taehyun immediately twisted their heads around only to see Soobin and Beomgyu at the door. Taehyun's jaw dropped when he stared into Beomgyu's teary eyes.

"Beomgyu.." the villains voice only came out in a whisper. the red head then sadly laughed as he wiped under his eyes so that tears wouldn't fall. "come on Tae, take it", Yeonjun's voice rang in the back of his head. "Taehyun, you don't want to do this"

Beomgyu spoke up, taking a step closer. Yeonjun stood closer to Taehyun and turned to look at the younger. "take it, Tae. this was your plan in the first place, you don't want to disappoint me and Kai do you?". Taehyun's mind was filled with different thoughts.

one side was telling him to give up, to not take the crown and run into Beomgyu's arms. yet the other side was telling him to listen to Yeonjun, to take the crown and make a run for it. just as Beomgyu was about to say something, Taehyun grabbed the crown from its holding place.

no one had the chance to move before Taehyun was already out of the door and running towards the docks, which was where the three villains planned to make their escape. Yeonjun stood in shock as he saw Kai running after Taehyun and decided he would try and run after them, only for Soobin to grab his arm and pull him back.

"let me go!". he fought against Soobin's grip and even let a few tears fall, but the younger wouldn't let him go. he watched as both Taehyun and Kai grabbed a motorcycle and drove across the forming bridge. why was no one trying to stop them?

when Yeonjun finally got out of Soobin's grip, he didn't have any energy left and dropped to the floor. the older then looked up at Beomgyu who was crying while watching Taehyun run away. he could see how much Beomgyu liked Taehyun and vice versa.

guards then immediately came rushing around the corner and were about to grab Yeonjun but Soobin stood in front of him. "stop! he will be staying with me".

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