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Novas POV
"Where's Rafe" I said. "Dad kicked him out you didn't hear about this" Wheezie said. "What do you mean why" I said. "Well he found the drugs you tried to throw out in the trash" she added. "Do you know were he is" I said.

"He's staying at a house on the beach" she said texting my the address. "Thank you" I said. "Have you seen John B" Sarah said. "Yeah he went out on a boat with your Dad this morning" I said. "Oh alright" she said walking upstairs.

I then walked to the house Rafe was staying at. I walked in he was out on the porch. I knocked on the glass quickly before coming outside.

"You could've told me I would've stopped him" I said. "Baby you don't understand it wasn't just that it's everything" Rafe said. "Talk to me" I said sitting on his lap. "Barry showed up" Rafe said hiding his arm. "What happened" I said.

"Don't worry" Rafe said I looked at the burn mark. "He did this we can have him arrested Rafe" I said grabbing my phone. He took it. "He told me if I said anything to the police he'd try to take you away from me" Rafe said.

"Rafe..this guy could kill you" I said. "And he won't I know what I'm doing here" Rafe said. "Do you Rafe do you really" I said. "Look Nova I get it you don't trust me" Rafe said. "Your right I don't because you won't let me in" I said.

"I used to sell for him my Dad paid him back and then your boy JJ stole the cash" Rafe said. "And he wants it back" I said. "If you can do this one thing it's all I'm asking" Rafe said. "Rafe JJ isn't like that" I said.

"He showed up to his fathers with the money he confirmed it" Rafe said. "Shit" I said looking out at the water. "Do whatever you need to he won't touch you" Rafe said. "Give me your keys" I said. "To my truck" Rafe said.

"Yes I do have no car" I said. "Here" he said handing me them. "Rafe do your best to keep him away" I said. "Alright but you've got about 24 hours that's what he wants" Rafe said.

I drove to my house knowing JJ would be there. I pulled up and saw Kie and Pope. I hopped out and saw JJ with a hot tub.

"JJ where is the money you stole" I said walking over. "You stole that I thought you took it back" Kie said. "Meet the cats ass Nova" JJ said. He was drunk off his mind. He seemed upset and had cuts on himself and bruises.

I knew his dad had been hurting him again.

"JJ" I said. "Why do you have his truck" JJ said. "JJ that's not the point here is this what you did with his money" I said. "Don't pretend to care Nova" JJ said. "JJ I do care but he's gonna be after you I need the money" I said.

"It's gone Nova" Pope added. "You spent it all are you serious" I yelled. "JJ come on" Kie said. "Why does she care Rafe is protecting her" JJ said. "You are my best friend and I know you are hurting" I said.

"You don't know"he said standing up. His whole stomach was bruised badly. I started tearing up along with Kie. "Guys don't get emotional it's fine" JJ said.

I got in and hugged him. He immediately started crying.

"It's ok we will work this out" I said.

The next day...

Rafe kept blowing up my phone. I was trying to help clean up the mess JJ had started at my house. He was asleep in the hammock.

Kie was helping me.

"So you are dating Rafe" Kie asked. "Yes" I said. "Your in for it" Pope said. "He's different with me" I said. "I'm sure" Pope said. "And what do you know Pope you don't know him" I said.

"Guys" Kie said. "I gotta go Rafe needs me" I said leaving.

I drove back to the place he was staying at.

"Thank god I thought you were dead" Rafe said. "I'm fine thanks" I said. "So what happened pogue princess" Barry said coming around the corner. "JJ... he" I said.

"Rafe I told you she's no good this little pogue" Barry said. "Barry look go to JJ" I said. He grabbed my wrist. "Get your hands off her" Rafe said. Barry pulled a gun on him.

"If I was you country club I'd stay back" Barry said. "Let go of me" I said. "Listen here pretty thing you are gonna get that money I know you know about the treasure" Barry said.

"What treasure your crazy" I said. "I know you know what your daddy found and I know you and the pogued found something" Barry said. "Fucking let go" I said pushing him off.

He pushed me back and I fell and hit something.

"What the hell Barry" Rafe said shoving him into the wall. "Next time I won't go so easy" Barry said leaving. "Are you ok" Rafe said.

He hugged me tightly.

"I swear I'll kill him myself...he he

I started crying.

"Tell me what he was talking about" Rafe said. "We found a treasure" I said. "The royal merchant" Rafe said. My phone was then ringing. It was my brother. "Shit I gotta go Rafe" I said kissing his cheek.

"Please be careful ok" Rafe said.

I left and met up with John B at the boat.

"What's going on" I said looking at him and JJ. "Ward" JJ said. "You might wanna sit down" Pope said. "What John B" I said. "Ward killed our father" John B said. "What" I said.

"He tried to kill John B too" Kie said. "I had no idea I'm sorry" Sarah said. "He's dead" I said going for JJ's gun. Kie then hugged me. "Hey it's ok" Kie said. "Why do you have Rafes truck" Sarah said.

"Shit he needs that" I said. "I'll bring it back" Sarah said. "No I need to tell Rafe" I said. "Why would he care" John B said. "Because he's my... boyfriend" I said they all looked at me.

"Seriously" Kie said. "You don't understand" I said. "I do I definitely do" JJ said leaving. "JJ" I said.

Worst Of You-{Rafe Cameron}  under editing Where stories live. Discover now