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Novas POV

I'm Nova Brooklyn Routledge yeah I know the name wasn't exactly my choice. But you can just call me Nova. I live in the Outer Banks with my brother John B not to mention he's my twin.

Honestly John B is the more annoying twin and as for me I'd consider myself the smarter one out of us. But it was just me and him. Our Mom spilt when we were both three years old. We don't need her anyways last we knew she was off in Colorado maybe.

And our dad was lost as sea last year. He went looking for the gold and never came back. John B refuses to admit he's gone and part of me does too. But the other part knows that he is. It bothers me so much because I wasn't as close as they were. I fear that I'll never get the chance.

Dad took all the money and put it into that trip, which meant we were completely broke and left on our own. Being 17 we can't legally live alone our uncle was supposed to look after us. But he's apparently building houses somewhere and I don't think that's the case.

But like I said John B isn't the smartest of us. So I got a job at the country club as a waitress. JJ my best friend helped me get in. Believe me I'd rather not hang around kooks all day but it helps keep me and John B a float.

I just wish he'd help out he's so obsessed with finding out what happened to our father. I wish he'd give it a rest for now. Maybe he'd feel better in the end if he did.

"Hey John B" I said. "What's up Nov you coming with us" Pope asked. "No she's got to work at the country club look at her looking all fancy" Kie said. "No sorry I can't be seen sneaking into properties guys" I said JJ sighed.

"Always the good one huh you can't skip a day you'd rather hang with kooks" JJ added on and Pope laughed. "Someone has to pay the bills around here JJ" I said. "And that someone has to be you Nova" John B said I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes I mean I'm the smartest John B look you guys have fun I gotta head to work" I said grabbing the keys to my old wrangler. The thing was old but she ran. John B constantly hated me for buying it. But it was better than his bus.

"So will we see you tonight at the beach party" JJ asked coming up to my car door. "JJ I wouldn't miss a good old pogue party you know that" I said. "Yeah I know and ummm drive safe and if you can steal me some cake" JJ said I laughed.

"I'll try JJ I'll see you later" I said. "Stop flirting with my sister JJ we gotta go" John B said. "I'm not I'll see you ok" JJ said hopping in John B's old Volkswagen bus. "Drive safe" I said and John B sped off.

I parked at the service side of the country club. I clocked in and went to get my note pad and apron. I hated this job. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

I went outside to get my first table and of course it was none other than Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton as known as Sarah Cameron's boyfriend.

"Well would you look who it is" Topper said. "The pogue waitress" Rafe said I rolled my eyes. "What can I get you country club and topper" I said Topper laughed at those words.

"Ok princess how about you bring us two beers and some wings can you do that" Rafe asked me with a disgusting smirk. "I don't know Rafe can I want some heated towels with that" I said. "You should watch it Routledge" Topper said.

"No no I enjoy this" Rafe said. "I'll bring those for you and maybe for Topper I'll bring you the kids menu" I said Rafe laughed as I walked away.

I grabbed the beers and brought them out. Topper was out talking to his girlfriend Sarah. Better known as Rafes sister who was annoying.

"Look I apologize for him he's a little bit of a" Rafe said I cut him off. "A dick yeah I'm fully aware" I said setting the beers down. "Well I don't hate you if that makes you feel better" Rafe said.

"Trust me I don't keep myself up at night wondering what you both think of me" I said. "Sassy I like that about you so tell me what are you doing later" Rafe asked with a smile . "Rafe trust me you wouldn't be interested" I said.

"Is it some kinda weird pogue secret" Rafe said. "You just wouldn't be interested trust and I'll get those wings for you" I said walking away. Why was he hitting on me. I don't even like any of these Kooks.

I grabbed the wings and napkins and went out with them. Rafe was still there and now Sarah had joined them. I set them down on the table.

"Anything else" I said. "Yes actually a water please" Sarah said. "Sure princess" I said Rafe laughed. "You know you should be respectful at you're job" Topper added. "Oh wow the prom king and queen I'm so sorry" I said. "Let's just go here's your tip" Topper said throwing a dollar and loose change at me. Not to mention a spilled beer as well.

Topper and Sarah stormed off laughing. Classy as usual these kooks think they own us. Half the time I don't understand why they hate us so much.

I bent down to grab it. Rafe helped me pick up the mess they made of the money and beer.

"No it's fine ok it's my job" I said picking it up. "I'm sorry she can be annoying" Rafe said. "You know I just should be nicer" I said standing up. "No it's all good" Rafe said.

"Ummm I gotta get other tables" I said. "Wait here" Rafe said handing me a twenty. "I don't need that" I said. "Just take it you had to deal with that and I apologize" Rafe said. "Why are you so nice to me" I said.

"We don't hate you guys and plus Nova despite what you pogues think we aren't all bad" Rafe said. "Right" I said putting the money in my pocket. "I will let you do your thing" Rafe said.

I started to walk away and stopped. Don't make me regret doing his Rafe. But I turned around anyways.

"Hey Rafe" I said. "Mmmh" he said as his eyes lit up. "The beach at 8 there's kinda a party you can come just don't say anything" I said. "Will you be there" he asked. "I'll make an appearance maybe" I said. "Well then I'll see you" Rafe.

"Maybe you will" I said walking away.

Worst Of You-{Rafe Cameron}  under editing Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant