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Nova's POV
"Can I ask you a question" Rafe said. "About what" I said. "If I never... hurt you the way I did would you still be with me" Rafe said. "Rafe I don't know" I said. "You don't" he said.

"There's a lot of other things you did the lies and your Dad I just" I said. "I just don't understand what you see in him" Rafe said. "What Topper" I said. "He hated you for years" Rafe said. "People change" I said. "I'm not saying that they don't" he added.

"Look we can hash this out later we need to get a move on" I said. "Yeah your right" Rafe said. "Okay" I said. Our plan was to fake fight then escape. Which is exactly what we did. He knocked the guard out and u grabbed the gun.

We slowly snuck downstairs. He stopped me at the bottom. I looked at him.

"The gun" he said. "You won't threaten to shoot me again right" I said. "No Nov just hand it" Rafe said. I gave him the gun. We then ran out of the house and he held my hand. We had to sneak around and eventually found our way to a truck and got it.

Rafe had to fight of some guy on it. We then ducked down in the back as we drove off the property.

"What's the plan after this" I said. "I've got a boat out of here we can go home" Rafe said. "What about my friends and brother" I said. "Just you" Rafe said. "Rafe you can't be serious" I said. "I am just you" Rafe said.

We made it to the boat. I was hesitant about this. I needed my friends. I couldn't leave them here. I got on.

"Grab the anchor please" Rafe said. I walked over to it. "Why can't we get them" I said. "We aren't having this conversation" Rafe said. "Rafe I can't get it" I said. "I'll grab it move" Rafe said. I then pushed him overboard after he got it undone.

I ran up to the sterling wheel and drove it away.

"You stupid pogue" Rafe yelled. "Nova this isn't over trust me" Rafe said as I drove off. I then drove away to park somewhere. I got off to look for everyone and saw Sarah.

"Sarah" I said. "Nova oh my god" she said hugging me. "Your okay" Cleo said hugging me. "Can't kill a pogue" JJ said I smiled. "Thank god" Pope said. "Hi kie" I said. "I'm happy your okay and who's boat" Kie asked.

"Rafes I stole it long story where's John B" I said. "He found your Dad" Sarah said. "Really" I said. "Yeah he's alive" Pope said.

A couple days later...
We were all back in the outer banks. After months of missing. I got off the boat. It took two days to make it back home.

The first place I went was to see Topper. I hoped he wanted to see me. After how we had left things. I went to the little guest house by his house. Hoping he'd be there.

I looked and he wasn't. So I walked back up the dock when I heard someone.

"Nova is that really you" Topper said I turned around. "Top" I said running to hug him. "I thought you were dead" he said cupping my cheek. "I'm sorry I am" I said crying. "It's so good to see you" he said tearing up.

"I'm a terrible person" I said. "No you aren't Nov" he said hugging me rubbing my back. "God I missed you" I said softly. "I missed you too Nov" he said kissing my head. "We have a lot to talk about" I said. "Yeah please come in" Topper said.

We caught up on everything and I had told him how my Dad was alive. Apparently everyone was looking for all of us. Topper didn't give up on finding me. Even when his Mom told him to stop.

But I couldn't get what Rafe told me out of my head. His words had a way of staying with me. They always did. But I knew now he'd be mad at me. And that's what I was afraid of.

After I caught up with everyone Topper and I hung out at his place. It was nice to see him again after a long time.

"So I know it's a lot but I got you a phone so you can contact whoever" Topper said handing me a phone. "Thank you" I said. "Please don't do that to me again" he said.

"I won't I'm really sorry" I said. "I just can't lose you too" he said with his hand on my cheek. I then kissed him. I set the phone aside as he slid me onto his lap.

"Are you sure" he said breaking the kiss. "Mmmh I love you Top" I said softly. "I love you too" he said I kissed him. I knew it was wrong to think about Rafe in this moment.

But I did. I knew it was wrong to miss him. After everything he's done to me. I still craved him more than Topper.

Was it wrong to wish Topper was Rafe?


But we all make mistakes. But I couldn't help myself. No matter how hard I tried to forget Rafe I couldn't. And I still don't understand why.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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