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Author's POV:

The sounds of typing echoed throughout a beautiful wooden cabin. There, sat the infamous Author, Kim Seokjin. Famous for the extraordinary and sophisticated novels he's written, as well as biographical articles he often publishes online.

Due to his sensitivity to light in his dry skin he struggles to keep moisturized with special lotions prescribed to him by dermatologists from many different dermatological clinics he's visited. The man can't afford to be standing in the blazing sun for prolonged periods of time, as he'd run the risk of his skin growing reddened and flaking off.

Even living in his safe little hut, time is Seokjin's enemy when it comes to him ageing. After his 24th birthday, Seokjin overcame many obstacles in his life, but along came new complications with his condition as the debilitating disease continued to worsen, adding new symptoms to his life.

His nails are very brittle and can break just by opening a can of soda. His muscles never stop aching, leading the man to desperation at night when he has shriveled up the soft sheets that support his body on his bed, along with tossing or even throwing pillows with the force of his own anger overcoming him.

Though he grows temperamental at times over frustrating pains that are incurable, Jin opens his bedroom window, ever so gently, folds his knees beneath him and places his elbows on the window sill to take in a puff of air, or to feel the cold breeze against him.

Everything about mother nature has helped rehabilitate the young author in his early years of living in that 2 bedroom apartment. The smells that were filled with purified air from the outside of his home are enough to keep him calm as he makes peace with nature.

The world he was brought into seemed so warm and infinitely welcoming, has become very uncomfortable. When everyone could understand his way of living, life was so much easier.

But when tragedy struck, Seokjin asked of his family to let him be, turning cold to his family who he visits on rare occasions. Despite the man being criticized for his new behavior towards his loved ones, his parents themselves justify his actions and choices.

Especially since on the outside, Seokjin appears so healthy and joyful, but they know their
son hasn't had it easy. Moreover, they understand him as well as support his decision in leaving their home to find his own peace of mind.

All that keeps Jin hopeful now is the heartwarming thought of someday, just... Someday, finding someone to share his pain with and work together to write their life stories.

Time is so infinite... Yet, why do I feel like mine has reached an ending I'm unsatisfied with?

There must be something I'm missing.

I yearn to find this missing piece before my time in this world meets its unwanted end.” Publishing his last chapter written for the night, Seokjin rested his body against his couch, basking in the delightful noises from his fireplace.

"Dare my heart learn to burn the way this fireplace has been for years, to not only give it warmth but for the new inhabitant to break down the walls of this fragile castle and turn it into our home."

With those thoughts in his head, the man drifted off to sleep, finding it much easier to access slumber within a soft, padded couch than his own mattress.


(Kim Seokjin has published a new chapter!)

Almost immediately, the sounds of a keyboard being taken over by the hands of a man so dedicated to reading were all that could be heard throughout his modernized apartment with large windows, big enough to see every building standing tall before it.

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"Woah woah there, take it easy on our computer, child. If you keep typing that viciously, it'll need to be hooked onto a heart monitor!"

"And you'll break your fingers at this point, doing that every single day." The young man's parents warned, making their son chuckle softly.

"The one that's gonna need a heart monitor is me," he responded, leaving his parents confused while they exchanged a look of pure concern before the man turned the computer over and showed them what he was so excited over.

"Awww! It's that young Author you like, huh?" Nodding his head, the boy smiled sweetly.

(Sharing story)

"I don't just like him, mom. I wanna be like him when I grow older and start publishing my own stories someday... Do you think I'll ever be able to collaborate with him?" His mother gently placed her hand over the boy's face, kissing his head.

"You must keep studying for that, if that's what you wish to be in real-life. But never lose hope, dear. I know you can do it someday."

"One could only hope. Imagine I, Kim Namjoon meeting THE Kim Seokjin? One of these days, I'll get to meet him, guys. One day, I'll meet my favorite Author."

Little did Kim Namjoon know the journey that awaited him with just the press of a button.

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