The Abduction

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5 years earlier

"Have you finished adding the data, Mr. Kamolov?" asked Dr. Akimov, who was sorting the remaining few papers into their folders. "Yeah, I'm all done Doc. I'm just waiting for the Computer to finish uploading the backup so i can turn it off." I answered. I had already opened my notes of the last lessons in order to use the waiting time to study for the next exam. Since I spent about three hours entering the new data from this week today, the backup would take at least 20 more minutes to complete. "Oh, just go home already then. I will turn it off when I leave." He looked up from the papers with a gentle smile. "I wish you a nice evening." Grateful that i could get home sooner before the freezing cold outside got even worse, I jumped up from my chair. "Thanks, you too Doc. See you on Monday!" I said as i hastily stuffed my notes in my backpack and grabbed my jacket.

I turned to leave and walked towards the door. Before my hand reached the handle, the door flew open with a loud BANG. Startled, I starred at the person on the other side, screaming, "Freeze! Don't resist and you won't be harmed!", that was now marching towards me. Taking a few steps back, i could see more people coming in through the door.. Behind me, I could hear Dr. Akimov stutter "What- What are you doing? Who are you?" Only now i noticed that they were carrying weapons, and my surprise and confusion was replaced by quickly rising panic. Who were these people? What did they want from us? Why the weapons? I took a second to properly take in their appearance. Clothed in fully black uniform like attire but without any visible official signs, I realized that whoever they were, they weren't here for a tour through the university facilities.

Hearing my heart hammering away in my chest, my mind started searching for a way to run, but we were on the 5th floor in a room closed off for security reasons. Ironic. I thought. "You will come with us, Dr. Akimov. You and your dear student here." My legs decided that, despite the lack of an escape route, attempting to run was still a better option than waiting to see where these people would bring us to. I bolted for the door in a desperate attempt to escape this impossible to be true situation, only to be met with the harsh reality in the form of cold metal hitting the back of my head.

When i opened my eyes again, i felt as though my head was about to burst. Remembering what had happened before, I raised my head to look around.

I wasn't at the university anymore.

Instead, I was in a room without windows and, besides a single electric lamp hanging from the ceiling, there was only a door. Groaning, i stood up and walked towards it. The door looked like one that i would imagine to be in a high security prison. I attempted to open it, but much like I had expected, it didn't budge. I tried to find something like a small hole to take a glimpse outside, but didn't find anything. Without a window or any other chance to glance outside, I could only try to guess were I was.

I tried to remember any details of the people that took us. Right, us! What had happened to Dr. Akimov? He wasn't in the room with me! Was he still alive? Did he get away somehow? No, seeing as I was here, he was probably either dead or here as well. Whoever those people in uniform were, they didn't seem like people that would just let anyone get away alive. But what did they want from us? Why did they kidnap us? Dr. Akimov wasn't rich or anything, so what could they want? Why did they even take me with them, I was just a broke medicine student! I was worthless! I had nothing to give except maybe some half-assed treatment! It didn't make any sense for them to take me!

...Unless they really wanted some sort of treatment. Certainly not from me, but I was in my 9th Semester and would be very useful in assisting Dr. Akimov, especially since I had worked with him on his research a lot.

Right! The research! They had broken into the lab, so of course they must be after the research! Even though it was still on a stage were a few mice were the main test subjects, the results had been promising so far. Dr. Akimov worked on increasing ones regeneration and overall physical health, that would certainly be something shady organisations might be interested in.

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