I Am Lacerta Chapter 45

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I Am Lacerta Chapter 45 

When I woke up, I found myself in a soft bed. Wait.. bed? I opened my eyes and saw blurry faces surrounding me. It took a few seconds before my eyes adjusted and I saw Snape holding my right hand, Dumbledore standing just behind him. 

I painfully flipped my head onto the other side and saw my favourite pair of people - Fred and George Weasley. Fred was holding my left hand and his ginger hair was sticking up all over the place like he'd been pulling it - his eyes were red and blotchy like he'd been crying. George didn't look much better.

"Fred, what have you been doing? You look a mess?" I said hoarsely. His head snapped up to look at me.

"Lacy? Are you alright?" he asked thickly, like he hadn't used his voice in a while.

"Yeah, I'm fine.One question - what are we all doing here?" Everyone looked at me, stunned into silence, until George piped up saying:

"Um.. Lacerta, you passed out from blood-loss."

"Oh yeah.. ouch." I said, the pain returning to me suddenly.

"Glad to see you're okay, Miss Lestrange. I'd best be off. Come Severus, I need a word." Dumbledore said. Severus turned to me and kissed my forehead and I said:

"Thanks a million, Sev. I'll try stop by your place before I leave." he nodded, and swooped after Dumbledore.

"Sweet mother of Merlin, my head is THROBBING!" I moaned and Fred rubbed my hand soothingly. I looked at him and he stopped and looked down and his hands.

"Sorry. I can't help it.." he said quietly.

"It's .. fine. I wish we could go back to normal too, babe. But you brought this on yourself - just remember that." I said, lying back on my pillows again.

"Do you remember what happened, La?" George asked cautiously.

"Um, yeah. I think so.." I said, wracking my brains.

"Good, can you tell us? Only we've been dying to know how you got those killer scars - Snape and Dumbledore have been talking in code this entire time and wouldn't tell us what happened." joked George and I laughed.

"Um,  well that Umbridge woman wanted to meet me, like I told you Fred. Obviously, I didn't turn up - but an hour later SHE came down to The Three Broomsticks.." I ran them through the whole gruesome story, including my ingenious escape.

"So you see, my good twins, that the one and only Argus Filch, is a SQUIB!" I said jokily, laughing at their expressions.

"How did we not know.."

"I'm sure we would've found out..."

"How could we have been so clueless..."

"How did you say you found out again?" the twins stammered, looking at me in awe, as I laughed yet more.

I Am Lacerta - Reposted for the Watty Awards 2011Where stories live. Discover now