Chapter 15: Troubles and worries

Start from the beginning

Cecilia can be... let's say... a little quirky for a noblewoman.

"Ah, Lady Elise is so cool and mature~" She swoons in her seat before sighing dreamily. A maid had arrived and poured them tea and served them biscuits. She thanked her and broke a cookie into two before continuing with a small frown.

"Father and mother kept telling me to act more proper and lady-like so that I can find a find husband and all that. But I'm still a fresh 20 year old young woman ready to explore the world! I don't want to settle down when I'm still young!! I want to attend college!!" She sank on the table with a whine.

Good thing they are outside the garden and only a few maids were stationed near the mansion where they can see the two women. Otherwise, Cecilia's voice would've echoed all throughout the mansion.

Elise couldn't help but smile mentally in amusement after seeing her sulking comically. Out of all the noblewomen she met, Cecilia is like an energetic child in private and she finds it adorable and refreshing. "I know it's the sad truth for us women and I can only sympathize, Lady Cecilia. Have you ever talked to your parents about your decision in life?"

"As if they'd listen. I never attempted it, though." She crossed her arms and pouted like a child before smiling at her. "I'm glad Elise-onee-sama is here to listen to my ramblings."

Elise nearly choked on her tea. "Onee-sama...?"

She cleared her throat and placed her teacup down. "Lady Cecilia, I appreciate a little warning next time before addressing me as "onee-sama". Goodness, that surprised me..."

"A-Ah! My apologies!" Cecilia dipped her head in apology before explaining rapidly. "It's just that it's been weeks since we last talked and I just wanted to talk to a fellow woman who shares my woes! And Lady Elise is the only one who understands me! Other women only like to talk about jewelry, noblemen, juicy gossips and frivolous things! Who would even listen to a woman's rambling about her own ambitious plans in the future?!"

She huffed breathlessly after saying all that and slumped face first on the table.

Elise rubbed her back to calm her down but she also was in thoughts after hearing what she said.

"The future, huh...?" She closed her eyes for a moment and recalled their goal and William's words that night. There is always something bugging her ever since she had known the older blonde. "Hopefully... I am mistaken for one thing..."

Cecilia suddenly looked up and sat up straight. "Oh dear, I got carried away again..."

The brunette chuckled and wiped the crumb off the younger woman's mouth. "It's all right, Lady Cecilia. It's nice to see someone so energetic and outspoken. Seeing you like that is making me happy so please be true to yourself. You can address me as "onee-sama" anytime you want."

Cecilia's brown eyes sparkled and she squealed and was about to hug her (pounce her). "Elise-onee-sama~!!"

She was cut off by a male who grabbed her by her dress' collar.

"What do you think you are doing to Lady Elise, Cecilia?" A male with the same features as the younger female says in a stern voice. He then turned his attention to Elise. "My apologies, Lady Elise. Please forgive my sister's rude actions."

"Ahahaha. It's all right, Lord Adrien." Elise tells him in an assured smile. "Lady Cecilia is always the proper and respectful lady when with other people so I let her be herself when with me. I enjoy my time with her."

Lord Adrien, the eldest son of the Winstein family and Cecilia's older brother. He works in the government and used to work under Albert's wing before the man "retired" in the military to work in a paper company, which is a guise for MI6 he is now in command of.

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