Introductory Author's Note

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(In a way, this is such a relief. I've really needed to get back into my fanfiction for a long time now and it's been ages since I was this excited to write something!)

Hello everyone and welcome to my new story - The Achievement Hunters!! (I'm super original with names omg.)

Okay, so, yes, if you can't tell by the title, this is a Rayvin/X-Ray and Vav story.

Now before y'all go calling me a copycat, I just wanted to say something real quick. I haven't delved too deep into the world of RT/AH fanfiction, but one of the ships that I did look up on Wattpad was Rayvin (along with Mavin and Joelay). I came across actually quite a few stories that all had the same idea of The Mad King (Ryan, of course) having taken over and the AH and/or RT crew possessing superpowers of various descriptions and trying to thwart The Mad King's plans. Sooo yeah - now you can call me a copycat if you so choose, because I did of course use that base for my story idea. However, I have attempted to make my story as original** as possible and I've even tried my best to stay away from the AH/RT members having similar powers to what I've seen them have in other stories (except Michael - there isn't really much in the way of a selection of powers that suit Mr Mogar). I sincerely hope that you find this story different to any other Rayvin fanfic out there.

Or, at least on Wattpad ^.^

And just very quickly as well - the reason why I've dubbed the story 'mature' is because there will be much swearing and some (hopefully) well-written/detailed violence in the action-y scenes. (Please bear with me for those - I'm not a fighter myself so I don't doubt that any fighting scenes I write will be average at best. But hopefully I'll improve with practice!) And also because one of the requirements for mature is 'sexuality', so I've done that for safety measures as it is boyxboy.

Hope you enjoy! :)

~Lo xx

PS: **by 'original', I mean different to any of the stories I've read. That doesn't mean it won't be cliche (because, lets face it, cliches are not original ideas). But cliche is my forte! So I hope I'll at least have the romantic aspects of this story down pat haha :3

The Achievement Hunters ~ [ Rayvin / X-Ray & Vav ]Where stories live. Discover now