First meet

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The cold breeze was blowing on his face. A warm and homely feeling was evident on his face. He was smiling widely as he made through the huge airport crowd. With his camera hanging on his neck and his hand holding his suitcase, he made his way out the airport. "Welcome home Abir rajvansh!!" Was the first thing he said stepping out.

Abir must've travelled far and wide, be it Italy or Paris, nothing could ever match visiting his own country back. Living in the UK for her felt like he was trapped, he needed a fresh air. With a lot of doubts in his mind, his curiosity taking him over finally convinced him to visit India after 24 years. But he realized something. The last he saw this beautiful country was when he was 2. He had no idea where to go now, though his little research helped him a bit. He saw a sign board of a tourism company. "Miracle tourism" he read out loud. He noted the contact I formation and made his way straight towards his hotel.

A girl wearing glasses, a pink dress is walking across the bridge. Her hair flying in the direction of the wind, her smile evidently spread across her face. She loved this. She loved her job of being a carefree girl and earning because of it at the same time. Her phone ringing brings her back from her trance.

"Hello sir. How are you?"
"I'm good. Mishti you need to come to office now."
"Okay sir. Be there in 10."

Mishti hurriedly makes her way towards her office. She is excited. She starts thinking about the possible reasons of her boss calling. She's so lost in her thoughts that she doesn't notice she bumped into someone. The person whom she bumped into also did not notice before.

"Oh no!! Mera phone... I just brought it a month back with my savings. Dekh ke nahn chal sakte Kya?" She says praying to God that her phone doesn't have a scratch.

"Oh madam, you were also not looking while walking. It's not my fault!!" The guy says.

"I'm sorry wo... I did not meant to snap at you like that I'm so sorry you're right it's my fault. Anyways have a good day." Mishti says and walk off hurriedly.

Miracle tourism:
Mishti makes her way in her office walking through the cabins she stands outside her sirs room. She takes a deep breath before stepping inside.

"Hello sir you called?"
"Ao mishti betho." Her boss says gesturing her to sit down.

"Mishti, you have another client for the next month. He will be visiting places all across India. He is a photographer and will be arriving here shortly. I wanted to ask you this first before I have a talk with him. So are you okay with this client? You can change your mind too if you don't feel comfortable."

Her boss is protective and caring when it comes to his employees safety and comfort. That's why he asks them if they're okay with it or not before assigning.

"Sir I'm sure I'll be comfortable. Thankyou for this opportunity. But before I completely agree, I would like to meet him."

"Sure mishti, he will be here soon."

10 minutes later, the door to mishtis boss's cabin opens, revealing mishtis new client.

Both look at each other's face in a shock before mishtis sir introduces them.

"You must be abir right? I'm Karan and she is your tour guide mishti."


"She will be your tour guide for the next month or so. You wanted to discuss your plan so let's get involved in that. Mishti are you okay with that?"

"Yes sir I'm okay. I'll take him as my client." Mishti says with a slight smile.

They discuss the tour plan and rest of the details.

"So mishti, you'll be with him tomorrow and you'll report back to my office a month later. Is it okay?"

"Yes sir"
"I must tell you Mr rajvansh mishti is one of the best your guides you'll ever see. This girl knows every corner of India, knows so many facts and is super helpful. You two can go outside and talk for a while to get to know each other better as you'll be spending a month together. Have fun!!"

"Thankyou so much Mr. Karan!! Pleasure meeting you."

"Have a good day you two!!"

And with that mishti and abir exit the building.

Mishti wanted to initiate the talk but abir seemed interested in something else.
"Kya hua?" She asked.
"Follow me." He said and started walking. Mishti followed him.

Both were walking for almost 5 minutes now when mishti asked where he was taking her to.

"Look!" He exclaimed.

It was a secret lake side. It was beautiful with fairy lights around everywhere. The setting sun could be seen from there.

"Wow it's beautiful. I've been so many places but never here. Thankyou!!" She exclaims excitedly to discover something new.

"Isme no thankyou only enjoyment. Ao betho, he indicated her to sit down on the lake side wood log.

The atmosphere was silent. The only voice could be heard was of the wind. The silence wasn't awkward, but it was comfortable silence.

As the sun was setting down a bit more, mishti broke the silence.

"So.. tell me about yourself."
"Okay, well you know my name Abir rajvansh. I'm from rajkot but shifted to London when I was 2 years old. As a photographer, I always wanted to travel the world. London was fun to capture but I wanted to see more of this beautiful world."

"Why did you choose photography?" She asks out of curiosity.

"Well I loved taking pics of anything and everything I saw since I was young. There was an old camera in our house which no one was allowed to touch I don't know why. So when maa wasn't home I sneakily took it and captured some photos. One day nanu saw me using that camera. So for my 15th birthday, he brought me one. I still have it. Maa won't let me persue photography at first. It was my passion but maa said it wasn't a good idea. I fought so hard for it. Maa wanted me to join her family business but I said no, she forced me to take business but I denied. Then when all of her tried failed she let me persue what I wanted. And now I'm here."

"That was a great story. I'm glad you have what you wanted. And I'm glad too that I have what I wanted but the one who made me dream my passion isn't there with me." She said her expression changing with her smiling slowly fading away.

Both weren't making eye contact until now.

"Kya Matlab?" He asked with a concerned look.

"My mom and dad are long gone. They were the ones who introduced me to my passion. And here I am now, with everything I ever want but them. But don't worry I have badi maa and bade papa with me so it fixes everything."

"I'm sorry to hear that. But glad you're happy now. Can I ask you something though."

"Sure go ahead."

"Why did you tell me all this? I mean to you I'm a complete stranger and maybe just a client. I always love opening up to people so I told my story to you too."

"You know abir there are people in life whom you can trust with every little detail of your life. I don't trust everyone though but seeing you opening up to me I thought you deserved to know this much. And plus were going to be together for a whole month now. And after leaving Mumbai I'll stay in the same hotel as you. So why not be friends rather than client and your guide? And he's,I also love opening up to new people."

"That's sweet mishti. And friends?"
He asks moving his hand forward.

"Yes friends." She shook his hand.

It started getting dark so both decided to leave towards their respective places. They needed to have some rest before your starting tomorrow. Abir took a few pictures before leaving. He might have not known mishti for that long but he felt somewhat an instant connection towards her. And mishti somewhat felt the same way.

Hey guys!! I'm back with a new fanfic plot. I'm super excited for this one and hope you're too!! Do give me your feedback. Don't forget to vote and share!! Your support is appreciated.
Much love

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