𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼

Start from the beginning


"What kind of ice cream do you want?" we stood by the basket and she had been picking ice cream for 5 minutes. "One taste, or ask to add a few?"

"No, one will be enough," she said seriously, looking at me as if I had asked something stupid and insignificant. "I don't like it when flavors are mixed, fu." Everyone could see that she's my daughter. A real daddy's daughter.

"So what taste you will eat then?"

"As always, chocolate."

"Okay, I'm the same. Sorry seller, we'd like two servings of ice cream, chocolate. "

"Three, sir." Kiraz raised three fingers and smiled. "Dad was wrong, right?" she turned to me.

"Kiraz, what did you come up with? Why three ice creams? ''

"Two is for me."

"No, Kiraz, no."

"Dad, ice cream is nothing bad. " she said in complete calm and concentration as if explaining a lesson to me.

"Kiraz ... yes, but you know what we agreed at home. First normal food, then ice cream. Dinner hasn't been there yet, so there will only be one serving of ice cream."

She didn't answer anything, just changed her gaze, into Eda's real eyes. Kitten eyes. To which I can't say no.

"Kiraz, don't do that."


"What did we say?"

"Let it be invalid today, okay? Only today, I promise. Is it okay? Dad? ''

She won't stop until I agree. I know this from day one when our roads collide. Even then, I couldn't resist her what to talk about now. I can't go any further. Specifically, the word no does not exist for me when it reaches Kiraz and her desires. When I get angry that I can't utter this word, but I'm just like that. For my princess is only 'yes'. For the word 'no', there is her mom, Eda.

"Oh, okay. There have been many days when this rule doesn't apply, but let it be one more time. Then you know what, my little bunny? "

"What? I hope you don't tell mom. "

"Of course not, I never give out our secret things, do I?" she nodded. "But you'll have to share your second portion of ice cream with me, agree? "

"Okay, I'll share. "

"You're a good dad, sir. '' the salesman said, giving us ice cream. "Your daughter is really lucky to have you as her dad. '' he smiled.

"Yes, sir, I would say the same thing." Kiraz turned to me and smiled broadly. These words hit me right in the heart. Good dad. I was happy that those words were meant for me.

,,Thank you, thank you so much. And for nice words and for ice cream. Have a good day. "we said goodbye and went to the nearest table with Kiraz.

"What did you want to talk to me about, Dad?"

"Kiraz, that's a very important thing. Before I tell you about it, I want you to promise me. "

"Promise what?"

"That you won't say this to anyone, especially to your mother. Okay? I trust you very much. "

"Ah, I understand. That thing has something to do with mom, right? "

"Exactly like that. So you promise me? ''

"Of course I won't say. Will this thing be a surprise? "

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