Pablo making me go mago wango tango

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Ok what the fuck

Why does this have 4k

I couldn't update cause Wattpad is playing fucking games with me and i have to use the website now.

But I honestly really appreciate everyone <333

Any ways enjoy this 😋😋😋

Kate and bread slicer were chilling in their honeymoon 🥺 kate loved it so much and never wanted to leave him or she'll get shredded 😉

After their marriage kate and bread slicer started shredding random objects through bread slicer

Mostly food to help with cooking 🙁 like cows and chicken which mostly left the kitchen filled with blood 🩸

Kate went to the living room filled with guilt because she couldn't stop thinking about pablo

Kate went to the living room filled with guilt because she couldn't stop thinking about pablo

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He was so soft and cute ☺️ And waddles a lot

Then a doorbell came in and she went to answer it to find


He was so tall and furry 😏

"I heard you were looking for me?"

"Actually i was uhh thinking about my family"

"Shut ze fockles up im not dom toretto."

"Ok fine i guess."

Pablo smiled slightly kissing kate quickly

*le gasp*

It felt so nice in his pringles-shaped beak that she...

Kissed back 😱

His paws held to her waist as she went deeper 🤤

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His paws held to her waist as she went deeper 🤤

Their tongues danced like water fountains ⛲️ swaying in 𝓈𝓎𝓃𝒸

Pablo started going all in

Im so sorry

Not until bread slicer came buzzing in mad... 🤭

Kate x bread slicer (fear street story) Where stories live. Discover now