"Dear, how was your first day?" She inquired.

"It was undoubtedly action-packed." Luci gave her the documents with a polite smile.

The majority of the cars had left the lot by the time Lucinda arrived at her car. The roar of the engine and the murmur of the radio greeted her as she climbed aboard. She checked her phone and found a text from Ander that read, 'Staying in late, can you bring me dinner?'


"Uh, hey is Doctor Enya in his office?" Lucinda mustered a polite smile.

The lady smiled at her politeness, and a knowing look flashed across her face as if she'd heard of Doctor Enya's daughter. "Are you his daughter?" She said.


"Go to your left, and the fourth door is your father's office," says the lady.

Before heading to her father's office, Luci gives the women a nod and a whispered: "thank you." Lucinda strolls down the long, uninteresting corridor. This was most likely the tiniest hospital her father had ever worked in, but given the small community, that's not surprising.

She eventually found her father's office, complete with his nameplate on the door. Luci knocks on the door, not wanting to disrupt anyone if they were inside. "How was your day, Lucinda?" Ander smiles as he swings the door open.

"It was kinda-" Lucinda stops mid sentence seeing a man, he was young, with collar-length blonde hair pushed away from his face, and he appeared to be in his mid-twenties. Under his eyes, there were bruise-like shadows that stood out against his pale complexion and made him appear exhausted. Lucinda realized she was staring at Carlisle Cullen based on his appearance alone, "Oh hello?"

"You must be Lucinda," Carlisle went to shake Luci's hand which made her shiver, "I'm Carlisle Cullen."

Lucinda pulls her hand in shock from touching Carlisle, it might seem weird but it felt like electricity. Carlisle looks as if he felt the same with how his breath became hitched

"Here's your food, dad." Lucinda hands Ander, the Chinese food he requested.

Ander takes the food, putting the food on his desk," Get home safe, Luci."

Lucinda waves at both men but not before, turning to get one last look at Carlisle.


The next day was average. Not better or worse, just simply average.

Although it hadn't rained yet, the sky was obscured by a dense, impenetrable cloud that obstructed the sun. Mike sat next to Lucinda in English class and walked her to her next lesson like the faithful golden retriever she connected him with, while Eric enviously looked at him.

The other students at school continued to stare at her, but it was less noticeable than the day before. Mr. Varner had called her out on Trigonometry in the hopes that she hadn't been paying attention and would make a mistake, but she had promptly disappointed him with the perfect answer. Despite how amusing it was, Lucinda refused to feed her teacher's nasty pleasures.

At lunch, Lucinda sits in her car listening to music instead of eating in the cafeteria. She reads Pride and Prejudice, her legs up to her chest with her book on her knees. She goes to flip to the next page but is stopped by a knock on the window. Luci turns her head to see Alice Cullen holding up a zip lock bag with sandwiches in them. Lucinda rolls down the window, "Hello?"

"I've bought you food," Alice says with a bright smile.

Luci unlocks the window, gesturing for Alice to come in, "You really didn't have to."

"I've noticed you haven't been eating lunch at school, so I made sandwiches for you at home."

Lucinda smiles at Alice taking the sandwiches, "Thank you that was really kind."

"So why haven't you've been eating?" Alice tilted her head making a face that shows she's confused.

"I don't really like the food here."

Alice shoots up from her seat in the car, "Then I'll have my mother make you food for lunch instead."

"Oh no, I don't want to trouble you guys."

Alice scoffs, shaking her head, "My mother always wants an excuse to use the kitchen."

"Thank you once more." Lucinda lowers her head and covers her face with her hair to hide her blush.

𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 , 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 Discontinued!Where stories live. Discover now