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"Elsa!!" Anna yells across the campsite, Elsa jerks up suddenly. What the.. Elsa yawns and sat up. "Elsaa, which tent are you in?-" Anna yells once again, Elsa turns her head towards the entrance. I probably look disgusting right now.. Elsa realizes as she stood up and fixed herself a little.

She straightens her hair, ran her fingers through. She dusts herself off and stretches, after shes done she went out. "Anna.." she yells weakily. "What are you doing here so early-"

"Elsa!!" Anna yells as she tackles Elsa to the ground, hugging. "I missed you too --" Elsa laughs, "but did you really have to tackle me down? Plus its like.. 8am.."

"Elsa its 10am-" Anna informs her, "Lazy ass."

"No swearing, Anna." Elsa tells her off, "I'm the queen, i can do what i want!"

"Tss whatever.." Elsa yawns and shivers, not because of the cold. 'the cold never bothered her anyway'🎶🎵

"Whats with all the loud thuds?" Honeymaren asks as she walks out of Elsa's tent, Anna stared and became suspicious of her. "Elsa.. whyd she walk out of your tent -- your dating Honeymaren?!"

"What? No- were friends. are friends not allowed sleeping in friends tents?" Elsa asks, standing up. Anna became jealous, and gave Honeymaren a death stare."Finefinewhatever." she mumbles, crosses her arms.

Maren felt uncomfortable, "Do you hate me or something?"

Elsa stepped back and let them argue, she felt kinda awkward though. Watching the 2 people she loves just fighting.


"Keep lying." Maren rolls her eyes.

"Shut up." Anna hisses as she stood up, "Be glad im letting you date my sister, Honeymaren."

"Were not dating-" Honeymaren blushes, yet still decided to stand up for herself.

"Then why are you even here? You 2 are sleeping together."

"Just like what Elsa said, just 2 friends having a sleep over."

"How do i know you didnt have se-"

"Anna!" Elsa covers Anna's mouth before she could finish, "Im just saying!" she mumbles out.

Honeymaren blushes once again and looks at Elsa, "Childish.." she mumbles.

Anna licked Elsas hand, "Ew!!-"

"Say that one more time, Maren." Anna steps up to her in a threatning way. Honeymaren decides to stand up for herself again, she rose her chin up a little to make it look likes shes taller.

"Childish." She teases, leaving a smirk after.

"okay okay enough, why are you fighting over me?" Elsa asks, pulling Anna away from Maren.

"And you both are equally childish." Elsa adds, rolling her eyes.

"Elsa im your sister, you love me more than this woman you just met a couple months or weeks ago."

"Please." Honeymaren rolls her eyes, "You love me as a friend, more than Anna right? Y'know what we did last night-"

"Oh, so you did have s-"

"Stop, i love you both equally. And no, Anna, we did not do it last night. It was just a dare."

"What? You played truth or dare?" Anna asks, genuinely intrigued now. "Mhm, dare. We just kissed, no big-"

"Yes big, you didnt tell me you have a crush!"

"Anna.. were just friends. Stop saying that i.." Elsas voice fades, Honeymarens ears start to ring as she thinks about the fact that Elsa and her were just friends. She felt a little hurt, she knew that Elsa wasnt into anyone. It still hurt, knowing your crush labels you as 'just a friend'.

"Why are you even here anyway?" Elsa asks Anna, Honeymaren snaps back to reality and glances around.

"Didnt you send a letter? Something about a 6th spirit or 7th.. forgetful ass-"

Honeymarens eyes shot up and glared at Anna.

"I never sent you a letter-" Elsa says, confused.

"Which is a problem, you dont send letters anymore." Anna teases.

"Anna, stop changing the topic, i never sent a letter like that. Theres no 6th nor a 7th spirit."

"Then.." Anna pauses, "Who sent.. the letter..?"

Honeymaren grabbed Elsas wrist, "I need to talk to you.. alone."

"Why? Do you know about thi-"

"Did you send that letter? Stop pranking!-" Anna interrupts.

"I didnt, i just need to talk to Elsa. Please back off." Honeymaren hisses, Anna backs away and squints her eyes at Maren.
"Fine.." she turns and walks away, "So.. do you know something about this?" Elsa asks.

"Probably, not as certain though. Maybe a theory-"

"Its fine, tell me please." Elsa frowns, felt hurt that Maren didnt tell her soon enough. Made her think that she didnt trust her enough.

"Okay.. i was going through the deep parts of the woods yesterday, before i came running and crashing onto you. I saw a glowing orb.. i dont know how to describe this but it was flashing.. different colours." Honeymaren tries to explain.

"Do you know in what order it was flashing?"

"Like.. red-orange-green then purple..? i dont really remember..-"

"Rainbow?" Elsa asks. Honeymaren looks up to Elsa with confusion. "Whats a rainbow?"

"Like.. pretty colours that reflects on the sky when the rain and the sun are out at the same time. Red-orange-yellow-green-blue and purple." Elsa explains, realizing Maren hasnt seen one yet.

"Uh.. i still dont have an idea of what it is."

"Well.. oh!" Elsa gets an idea on how to explain 'rainbow'. "Y'know how you stand up quickly, then all these dark, dizzy and swirly colours just fill your eyes?"

Maren hummed yes, "Its like that but more prettier and lighter, and on the sky." Elsa smiles.

"Ohh.. i think i get what you mean." Maren snaps her fingers into a finger gun.

"Yeah! And.." Elsa stammers, "Do you mind leading me to this orb?"

Honey's eyes expanded, fear filled her whole body immediatly. "I dont think i can go back Elsa.."

Elsa realizes that Honeymaren was deeply scared, and felt bad for even bringing it up. "Right.. im sorry, Maren. What did you even see or hear there? If youre comfortable telling me."

"Well it was dark, other than the orb. I was trapped in like.. a claustrophobic circle of thick and steep trees that i couldnt climb out of. I heard random voices from different directions too, they said they werent going to hurt me. I was really scared until i saw your small light blue sparks." Honeymaren shrugs.

"Oh.." Elsa shivers, from the story.

"Tss.. dont worry Maren..

we'll figure it out."

winter&summer [] Elsamaren fanfic number3💃Where stories live. Discover now