Chapter 7

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I wake up the next morning to the sound of Bj stomping around upstairs. He is always loud when he wakes up; never taking any consideration of other people sleeping.

I groan as I roll over onto my side and check my phone. 12:47. Bj has to be at work by 4 today. That means we will leave at 3. I sigh as I think, I should probably get up and start getting ready. I should not have stayed up so late last night, but I couldn't help it. My body and brain wouldn't let me go to sleep with him on my mind.

I yawn and stretch my hands above my head as I stretch for the morning, working out my muscles. I push the blanket off of me and stand up and head for the bathroom to take a shower.

As I stand in the hot shower, as the water runs over my body and face, I remember. Today is the day I am going to see him again. He is the one that suggested we hang out so he must at least want to be friends right? That forces a smile on my face without me realizing. I finish up in the shower, taking longer than usual at an attempt for it to wake me up.

I step out of the shower into the cold air, wrap a towel around my dripping hair and body and make my way to my room. I let my hair dry in the towel a little bit before I do anything to it. While I am waiting, I try and find something to wear. I settle for a pair of black yoga pants and a black sweatshirt. I hope he doesn't mind black on black because I seem to wear that much too often. My hair has dried enough by now that I can do something with it so I run it through the straightener, avoiding missing any curly pieces - that I get from my mom. When my hair seems as close to done as I will achieve, I decide to put on my makeup, but not before checking the time. 2:14. Woah. Time just flew by. I should probably hurry up.

I do my makeup as quickly as I can without making it look like a clowns work. I grab my brown Ugg boots from my closet and put them on my mismatched socks - as always. Making my way to the living room, I see that Bj and my brothers, are already ready to go. That's when my heart starts racing.

Wapello is only about ten minutes away, so in approximately fifteen minutes, I will be seeing him again. I didnt even get a chance to look myself over thoroughly to make sure I didnt look like a complete fool. I do still want to impress him, because he looks like a god sent Angel, and then there is me. I hope I look alright, not that I have time to fix anything.

We make our way outside to the car where I feel the warm spring air hit my face. I love spring time - it is beautiful outside, yet when the wind blows, it still brings a slight chill to my body. Good thing I wore a sweatshirt.

I slide into the back seat, taking the window seat while Dillion takes the other window seat, with BJ in the front seat and Dalton driving. I am lost in thought about what is going to happen today when I hear BJ's voice fill the silence of the car. "Where do we have to pick him up at?" He asks me. Thats strange. I dont even remember telling him yet. I dont remember much from the last few days as my mind has been constantly going, thinking about him. I realize I haven't answered him yet. "Umm, Wapello. He is going to tell me where when we get there." I reply.

I remember I have to text you and tell you we are on our way. I pull my phone out of my sweatshirt pocket and search through my contacts until I find his name. Matt. When I read his name, my heart picks up on a high speed chase and I feel like i am in a dream. Trying to avoid thinking and feeling too much right now because I am on a time limit, I push the feelings away and send him a message.

"Hey, we are on our way."
"Cool, you can pick me up at the courthouse. I am across the road. I will walk over."

I tell Bj where we have to go, and sit back waiting for this trip to take us to our destination where I can finally see him again. It seems like its been months when only it has been two days. I am desperate to see him again - the gleam in his eyes, the way he walks, all of it. I feel like an addict and he is my drug and I just cant give it up.

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