1.The Hogwarts Express.

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I am finishing packing my things for my 5th year at Hogwarts.


My mom comes into my room. "Here darling I just washed them for you." She handed them to me.

"Thank you mum, ok I think I'm all packed." I say buckling my trunk.

"Are you ready? We should get going soon it's almost 9:30." My mom said. The train leaves at exactly 11:00, I like to get there early to find my friends.

"Yep I'm already, let's go." I said and we both descended the stairs, and out the door to the car.

After I packed all my things into my moms car I jumped into the front seat and we were on our way to Kings Cross station.

After around 30 minutes it was now 10:00, exactly 1 hour until the Hogwarts Express would roll away from platform 9 3/4.

Me and my mother wasted no time and headed straight for the platform, and of course on the way there we ran into the Weasley's.

"Oh Amber dear how lovely to see you." Mrs. Weasley said while giving me one of her amazing hugs. "Good to see you too Mrs. Weasley!"

Fred and George were the next two to come up to me.

"Hello pretty lady." Said Fred.

"We missed you all summer." Said George.

"Where have you been?" The both said in unison. Now both boys had hooked their arms with mine.

"Oh you know I've just been around." I couldn't say anything about my summer because my father, Lord Voldemort, had been home... abusing me and his death eaters. No one new I was a Riddle, only me, my mother, and of course my father.

"We will see you on the train then gorgeous." They both winked and ran through the wall between platforms 9 and 10, leaving me to stand alone with my luggage and my mother.

I walked over to my mum and said goodbye, then ran through the wall and into the very crowded platform 9 3/4.

It is now about 10:45, 15 minutes until the Hogwarts express would depart the station. So I dropped off my luggage and boarded the train. Everyone seemed to already be on and talking about how enjoyable their summer was, while I am trying to find an empty compartment or a compartment with my friends. After searching half of the train I finally ran into Harry Potter.

I accidentally bumped into him. "Oh! Hey Harry how've you been?" I said picking up my bag that had fallen.

"I've been brilliant Amber, how are you?"

I stood back up. "I am well, thank you. Have you seen an empty compartment anywhere?" I said looking around.

"No, but you can come and sit with me, Hermione and Ron." He said looking at me confused on why I wanted an empty compartment.

"Oh, perfect ok where is it?" I continue to look around.

"Follow me." He turns around and starts walking down the hall of the train.

"Here we are." He said opening the sliding door for me.

"Thank you, hey Hermione, heya Ron!" I said sitting down next to Hermione.

"Oh my goodness Amber is that you?" Hermione said sarcastically as if there was a major change about me.

"Hey Amber how was your summer?" Ron said eating a chocolate frog.

" Boring as always, how about you all?" I said quickly before anyone could question my summer anymore.

" I was being bossed around by the Dursley's just like every summer" Harry said stealing some of Ron's sweets.

" Hey! Those are mine get your own" Ron said pulling away all his candy.

" The sweets cart hasn't come around yet I'll pay you back ok?" Harry said rolling his eyes.

" Well besides at the moment with all the bickering going on..." Hermione looked at Harry and Ron and then looked back at me. " My summer was rather fun." She said taking out her wand and spelling one of the chocolate frogs that seemed to escape Ron's possessions.

After around 30 minutes of chatting with the golden trio I decided to go and see if I could find any of my other friends. So I excused myself and went for a walk down the empty train corridor, looking in each compartment.

I looked for 5 minutes and found a compartment with Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, and of course Luna Lovegood. Luna and Ginny were a year younger than me and Neville, but we all seemed to get along quite well.

I walked in and sat down next to Luna. "Good morning guys" I said looking at them all.

" Hello Amber" they all said almost in unison. "How was your summer?" Luna asked smiling. She has the most beautiful smile.

" It was boring, I didn't do anything really. How was you all's summer?" I said admiring how much Ginny grew up from the last year.

" Fred and George pranked me at least 3 times a day which got rather annoying, but some of them were actually really good" Ginny said almost laughing.

" I was trying to figure out what was wrong with my favorite plant, it seems to soak up all the water I give it in about 2 seconds!" Neville said looking confused.

Luna looked at me angelically and said, " I was playing with the Nargles in the forest, they seemed to be happy it was summer." She smiled and giggled a bit. "Well you guys seemed to have very interesting and fun summers. But I best be on my way to greet others" I excused myself again and went back out into the train corridor.

I went to another compartment with Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, and Theo Nott but they all had boring summers like mine. So I left and headed down to the bathrooms.

Although, right before I got there Draco Malfoy walked out of the men's restroom and bumped into me. How many people was I going to bump into today? And why did it have to be him?

He looked at me. " Watch it Kingston." He said and quickly walked off before I could say anything. Kingston was the name everyone knew me by. Since no one can know I'm a Riddle, I go by Amber Kingston.

After I went to the bathroom, I went back to the golden trio, and soon after we were there. We were at the one place I could call home, Hogwarts.

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