Heya??? 😅

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Hellos meh peeps, it's been a while, in my defense it was a really weird year and school was rough considering I thought it would be a good idea to go into advanced math. Yay 😓 that's where trauma comes from kid XD (Jk).

Anyways I came here to say I'm sorry that I didn't get to post a new chapter often as I probably should this year but I'll try my best in the coming future to do that for y'all!

I also kinda need some help with inspiration like stuff y'all wanna see like events, more characters, ships. All that jazz! So feel free to comment on what y'all like to see in the future or a book in the future!

Anywayssss🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 (Janus is that you XD?!)
Thank you for reading this (if ya did) and peace! ✌️🌈

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