168. Were going on a trip

Start from the beginning

Daichi thought he had found the perfect one as he looked at a booklet for a full luxury resort. It had everything from pools and spas to high-end restaurants. The more and more he looked at it, however, the more it made him feel uneasy. There were a lot of high-profile stars that stayed at that stayed there, and there weren't a lot of things it seemed they could do as a group.

Suga was quiet as a stared at a Brochure for a hot springs resort that was up in the mountains. It was simple, yet charming. Each room was a classic Japanese-style room and was lit with lanterns.

There was also a whole list of activities that they could all do as a group, such as Hiking, and they had a shared cooking experience. Suga noticed that there was a link to a to video to see a virtual tour of area.

"What about this place?" He asked as he showed Daichi the brochure and pointed to the link.

"I think we can pull the video up on the TV, " Daichi said as he grabbed the remote to turn on the tv.

After he turned it on, he went to the Youtube app on the tv and types in the name of the resort. After a few moments of loading, several videos came up.
Daichi clicked on the first one that was a virtual tour.

The four of them sat in silence as the video played, Showing camera views of different places around the resort. It showed the hot springs, guest rooms, and hiking trails. It wasn't long before they all silently agreed that this was the place they wanted to go.
After the video was over, Daichi turned the tv back off.

"Should I tell coach Ukai about this one, then?" He asked and received a nod from the other three. Daichi took his phone out and sent a quick text coach Ukai

After he finished, he and Suga both stood up.

"We're going to make some pancakes, " Suga said as he stretched his arms above his head before lowering one and looping it around Daichi's waist.
Causing him to become slightly flustered.

Kiyoko also stood up.

"Yachi and I are going to go take care of some things, " She said before heading upstairs.

Asahi stood and looked at Daichi and Suga for a moment like he was thinking about something.

"Do we have any popsicle molds?" He asked

Suga arched his brow as he thought for a moment
"We should, " he replied.

"I wanted to make some for Noya, " Asahi said and started to head into the kitchen with Suga and Daichi behind.

Suga got out all the things for Pancakes as Daichi heated the stove, and Asahi searched for different things to make popsicles with.

Suga started to mix together the ingredients he had gotten out and looked up as he heard some footsteps come into the kitchen.
He saw Hinata and Kageyama.

"Hinata, Are you alright?" He asked, taking note of his messier than usual hair and the overly baggy sweatshirt that Fell from his shoulders. It didn't take him long to realize that he was in heat and that this was probably a result of that.
Hinata nodded as he held on to Kageyama's arm.

"We are going to the pharmacy to get His new suppressant, " Kageyama said as the other two stared at them.

"Can I go with you? Yamaguchi is sick, and I need to get some medicine for him, " They heard Tsukishima say as he came and stood next to Hinata and Kageyama.

Suga looked at him and could see the dark circles from under the frame of his glasses, indicating he had probably been up all night with Yamaguchi.

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