Return of the Hybrid Queen

Start from the beginning

André crossed his arms as his brother's were watching.
"Great, What do you want Livia?" 
The woman crossed her arms as she walked up to Rell, eyeing him up and down, the sly smile turning to a full-on smirk. 
"What, don't tell me you boys didn't miss little ole me?~" she teased.
Clearly the young man was on edge, but why?
"Uh....Liv, what are you doing here? Didn't you move to Tokyo for your clothing brand? And—"

André was cut off as Livia had suddenly kissed him, shocking him, Beck and Austin all, as he pulled back, Rell's face was bright red as he jumped backwards.

"W-WHAT THE HELL LIV!!! Don't just kiss me out of nowhere like that!?"

The woman hid her expression as she giggled, before bursting into a full on laugh, she then began walking to the couch in front of the table, luxuriously dropping her fat ass right on it.

"Pfft, relax Rell, I'm just messing with you a lil bit~"

Beck and Austin both laughed at their brother's expression and reaction, crying laughing as they fell to the ground as André started punching and kicking them both as they laughed at him, before Livia crossed her lusciously plump legs.

"Honestly it's been ages, I missed my three playthings too much, so I decided to come home early!" She rested her elbow against the arm of the sofa, propping up a cheek as she stared intensely at André. 

"Two things, 1, my name is André, not Rell, and 2, just what the fuck is it you want Liv? Thought your bitch of a mother wanted you to have nothing to do with us?"
"Remember? I promised I'd come home once Mo— Lucia was out of the picture and my bitch of a little sister was dealt with~"
André stared at her blankly then looked towards his brothers in confusion. Although Austin, in fairness, was more focused on forcing his younger brother to keep looking away, and not… other places.

She raised a single eyebrow.

"Really? Nothing? No welcome home? No how I've been? No how was Japan? Nothing?"
André simply closed his eyes as he sat down on the chair by the door, Beck and Austin both thought about it, before saying welcome home to the young woman.

Austin and Beck both then sat back in their chairs as they watched their brother interact with the woman, smiling as they knew what was happening in front of them.
"Jeez, and here I thought I left a bigger impact on you guys!?"

Livia pouted, slowly crossing her legs. Beck couldn't help but follow them, he thought of how much thicker they've gotten since he last saw Livia, those things just went on forever… Though, as he did, he Austin forced him to look away again as the two heard a giggle. they're gaze snapped to Livia's smile as André also looked towards her, the girl once again sporting that sly smile, almost catlike, with a hungry look in her eyes.
"Nah, that can't be it, you three loved having me around you when we were kids~" she laughed. Sitting up straight, she thought about it.

But André kept his mouth shut and his eyes closed, while Austin did his best to keep his younger brother's eyes off of Livia's assets. Austin had pulled out his phone, a state of the art Vortex Phone, he texted liv without André knowing.

"If you've come here to get with him, go ahead, my big bro may not admit it, but he's missed you, same goes with us, I'mma dip in a min, so do this elsewhere, ok? and I'll drag B's ass wit me"

Livia smiled as she looked at her phone, first looking towards Austin who had gotten up, grabbing Beck's arm as he headed towards the door waving bye to his elder brother as he and Beck were heading downstairs to the game room, André also got a text from Austin.

"Listen well ya moron, have fun with Liv, I know you've missed her, so don't you dare lie and say you haven't, all these fights were to correct the city for her, so tell her. Me and B will see you later"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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