chapter fucking one

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so here are the fuck bitches kaito, kaede, kokichi, tsumugi and that miu girl with ugly ass tits fighting over some cute detective that i will boot your ass if you call him emo, shuichi 😁. and a really hot robot that totally has a dick called keebo 🤣🤣.
anyway, all the fuck bitches like to fight over this detective and they say dumb shit like "omg shuichis mine you dumbass bitches back off" as jf they even have a chance with him. unfortunately we have keebo who's left alone in the corner while everyone fights over this fuck boy keebo has some really hot thoughts like "omg shuichi that sexy fuckboy i want him to cum in my non robotic eyes" while pressing his dick in secret 😂😂🤣🤣. one day shuichi came up to keebo who was sat in a corner while all the other hoes are fighting over this dirty detective names shuichi, and shuichi says to keebo "hey what you up to best friend?" and keebo softly replied "best friend?" shuichi then said "well yeah we are best friends but we could be more 😈" and keebos unfortunately dumbass robotic brain says "yeah.. like best best friends!" and shuichi facepalms against the nearest door but about to fall over aesthetically, he gets saved by keebo but what does this turn into? a kiss and they both blush in complete shock but hey.. they like it so keep on going #lol. eventually all the kissing turns into fucking under a staircase. eventually the piano hair clip girl kaede catches them fucking under the stairs. she then calls everyone and says "SHUICHI HOW COULD YOU, I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING!" while trying to stop himself from having tongue with keebo shuichi says "guess we dont, sorry piano girl 🥺" next to arrive is kokichi who throws a large -1 year old temper tantrum as if he didnt like his baby food and yells "I FUCKING HATE YOU BOTH, ESPECIALLY YOU KEE-BOY!" keebo then says "fuck you grape asshole" then what happens next is totally shocking. keebo then clicks something on his ear and it looks like headphones but they arent. and BOOM BOOM "
(explosivo noises intensify) and it explodes, luckily he manages to save shuichi, kokichi blows up but kaede ran to the bathroom to go cry in the corner. then miu and kaito arrive next and then poof they start breaking down crying, so to make them all mad and jealous keebo and shuichi keep on having tongue and then thats when miu tries to "join in" and keeps jumping everywhere so she has keebo in a "position she likes" once she has him "where she likes" she says "your mine now" while blushing and sticking her tongue out going lower on his body but luckily keebo escapes with his magik skills and runs away with shuichi while tsumugi cums out of nowhere and starts running after them with scissors saying "hewwo sweetchi, wanna have sex? 🥺"  himiko then jumps out and her wand drops and it pokes tsumugi in the eye, thats when himiko asks "whats wrong with you 2?" and shuichi says "we're being chased by some ugly bitches obsessed with me but keebos mine 😍" and himiko says "ill stop them with my magic UwU" and ahe runs after the crazy ass girls thats when tenko comes out of a closet with jam on her face "himiko! why are you attacking females! go attack the degenerate males NOW!" she shouted and himiko softly replied getting out another wand "NO YOU FUCKING SHITTY AS HOE! IM TIRED OF YOU MAKING ME ATTACK MY FRIENDS, THESE TITTY BITCHES ARE NOT MY FRIENDS AND ARE A BAD INFLUENCE TO THE FEMALE COMMUNITY, NO FUCK OFF AND GO LEARN THAT NOT ALL MEN ARE BAD!" and she throws her wand at tenko cutley, eventually this then happens (SHOCKING) to be continued....

how saibo beganOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora