chapter 17

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Authors pov

A week and half passed since that day, nothing stoped the world moved on slowly some person also forgot him , some of his workmates come to show their condolences but slowly everything back to normal, but one person remained who's world was stopped from that day,

Naina become more distance after her outburst in the rain she becomes like a living corpse , she barely ate , rarely come out of her room , she would stay in her room and blankly stare the wall or his photo,

" Naina." Her mother called her softly who was sitting on the window sill, she didn't response.

Her mother sighed," your friend Shruti called, she wants to talk with you." Her mother said and put the phone on speaker,

"Hello babe , babe I miss you Soo know Soo much happened in college in your absence, I have bunch of gossiping to do with you...hello.. Naina are you there....hello..." Shruti voice keep talking from the photo but Naina Didn't even glanced at it.

"She isn't responding Shruti ,will call you later." Her mother said and hung up, she looked at her daughter and left the room, her heart was breaking Everytime she looked at her, she wished no mother has to witness something like this ever,

Naina stared at the starless sky , she couldn't believe how one night changed her whole life , how it changed her , the girl who couldn't even stand a small scratch on him is today mourning is death, the guy who was with her from the time she learned to talk ,her first day in school, first day in her college, the guy who was with her in her every step of life who made her creat a small world of them were only both of them existed, is suddenly no longer with her,

na bole mose mohan kyun
hain roothe roothe mohan kyun
kaise manaun haye
kaise manaun..

why doesn't my beloved speak to me,
why is my beloved angry with me,
how do I console him..
how do I..)

The girl who was heartbroken because they could not stay in same city , who locked herself in her room just because she heard they both have to get separate because of her college and his transfer, is today separated from him for forever,

"Nothing that will ever happen and even if it happens then also you will be there with me to hold my hand."

He promised never left her hand yet today her hand remained empty longing for his hand to her hold but all it could do was clung to his last gift.

"Because wherever Tara will be Arjun will be there with her and wherever Arjun will be Tara would be there with him."

Then where are you Arjun, your Tara is Alone here Naina thought as tears slipped from her eyes ,

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