ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛᴇᴇɴ

419 20 8

Even after the blonde female had walked off, while arrogantly swaying her hips from side so side, (y/n) was still frozen in place. She wasn't sure how to feel. Angry, confused or shocked? "What the f-ck is wrong with that d-mn b-tch?!" Leon cursed, turning around.

"You aren't mad at me, are you?" The Ultimate Baseball Star carefully asked, looking at his girlfriend who slowly raised her head. "Why would I be mad at you? She was the one who kissed you, and you obviously were just as shocked as me." He let out a sigh.

"Thanks, babe. I was worried it upset you." He whiped his lips, making a disgusted face as he walked into the bathroom again. "I need to wash my mouth and face, I'll be right back." He mumbled as the door closed, water running a few moments later. (Y/n) leaned back.

'I'm glad that he didn't like it. But why am I worried? Leon would never date someone like her. Maybe people like Sayaka, but other than that, we are each other's type. I already know him well enough to be sure about that.' Someone wrapped their around her, ripping her out of her thoughts.

"That b-tch wasted all of my time with you..." Leon whined, pulling his girlfriend into his arms. "I have to get going..." He mumbled into her neck, seemingly disappointed about the lost time. "Ah, I see. Let's go then. You will be late."

The orange haired male quickly took his baseball bat, wrapping an arm around her waist. The cold metal of said object suddenly was pressing against the back of (y/n)'s neck, bringing her face closer to her boyfriend's face as their lips met in a passionate kiss.

Before things could get too heated though, the Ultimate Basketball Star slowly pulled away, flicking his forehead. "We don't have time for that now. We need to get going before the game starts!" She scolded him, even though a light red spread over her face, earning her a smirk from him.

"Whatever you say, ma'am." He said, jokingly saluting as grabbed her hand and began to walk out of his dorm room, locking it afterwards and giving the key to his girlfriend. "Here. I would probably loose it." Leon smiled slightly, kissing her cheek. (Y/n) smiled. "I'll make sure to not loose it." "Thanks, babe!"

A little while later, the (h/c) haired girl sat in the front row, her (e/c) orbs intensely watching the game. She really enjoyed watching it. Unfortunately, she wasn't the only one with that. A certain blonde girl was fawning over her boyfriend again.

"Ah, he looks so good in these sporty clothes!" (G/n) giggled, looking at her nails afterwards. 'Seriously, why does her father have to sponsor these games? She's the most annoying human being that I've ever met!' (Y/n) thought, huffing. 'Not to mention that she kissed my boyfriend in front of me.'

"Ohhh, (y/n), you're here too! Love your outfit!" The entitled girl gave her a smile. "Where did you get it? At the thrift shop?" Signing, the Ultimate Basketball Star looked at her. "Please stop wasting your time on making useless comments and focus on finding a talent."

"What did you just say to me?!" Her brows furrowed, but the (h/c) haired girl got back to watching the game. "I said go and find a talent. You act like you are the center of this school, yet you are just another reserve course student. Know your place."

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