Dare 10

283 9 4

Don't mind the picture

Aoiri: Welcome back 1A

Deku: Uhh....Hi

Jirou: I hate my life

Denki:Why, someone hut ya, I shall get a villain version of me and kill them

Jirou: I can protect myself, idiot

Jirou: I can protect myself, idiot

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Iida: I-


AOiri: Yes and yes and yes

*Switches bodies*

Iida(Bakugan):I LOOK SO STUPID 

Bakugou(Iida): It's not quite bad

Deku: Hey Iida-

Iida(Bakugou):Oi Get out

Deku:*sad Deku noises*

Bakugou(Iida):*Smiles*Midoryia you should not be sad over small things

Denki: I know you are Iida, but...OMG Bakugou looks so weird

*I wanted a picture I don't have any TT*

Todoroki: THis is cursed so cursed

11 hours later

Kirishima: The day ends with everyone getting weirded out my Bakugou and Bakugou taking the shit out of Midbro

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