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???: Well well well if it isn't the red dragon emperor and The Liberator. I am Cao Cao descendant of the Cao Cao of the 13 kings. And this here is the first and most powerful Longinus the TRUE LONGINUS.

Azazel flies back in: So you are apart of the the hero faction people working with the Kaos brigade.

Cao: That's right and we can't have you get in our way. Leonardo show them what you can do.

A boy with white hair comes up and unleashes his power which seeing makes Y/N smile knowing what it is.

Az: Oh great the Annihilation maker a world destroying gear in the hands of what  seems to be in..


Everyone looks to see Y/N smiling and laughing evilly which scares everyone knowing what's coming. The monsters send out light attacks which is a weakness to the devil's.

Y/N: Kiba create light eaters for everyone, Xenovia use your aura, Irina due to you being Michael's ace you are in the front yes you'll take damage but light isn't a problem for you, Issei protect  Asia and Kuno.

Everyone listens while some did protest ( Issei and Irina) they all still went with the plan. Azazel fought against Cao Cao in his Fafnir armor. Y/N was watching all of this until he saw something sickening. Issei was about to be attacked by three girl until he used some magic to fight back....everyone hated it.

Issei: Sorry not sorry the boobilingual dress break combo is unstoppable.

Everyone: God that's terrible.

???: well that was interesting. It's a pleasure to meet you for the first time, Gremory servants. I am Sieg, the descendant of the Hero Siegfried. My companions call me Siegfried. What you choose to call me is up to you.

Xeno: You're an exorcist the one called " Chaos edge Sieg".

Kiba: Oh great another crazy Exorcist * charges at him with a sword only for it to be deflected and countered*

Xenovia attacks and he pulls out a second sword then Irina and he pulls out a third arm and sword.

Xenovia: No way three swords and what's with the third arm.

Sieg: that would be my sacred gear twice critical as well as the swords, Demon emperor Gram, Balmug, and Nothung.

The two swordsman and angel attack sieg while all this was happening Y/N had disappeared  no one focused on where he was.

Cao Cao reveals why he is doing this. He wants to see how far humans can go against the super natural. Then a giant golem pops out of the water.

Az: Gabugog that was created by the old gods but ended up getting locked away in the dimensional gap. what is it doing here?

A little girl in a blue witch outfit flies in on a broom.

???: Hello I'm La Fey Pendragon and I'm on Vali's team and I came to deliver a message ahem. * Vali Voice* I told you not to get in my way. That was my best Vali voice now you're gonna get it

The golem attacks destroying the bridge then gets attacked by the spear falling to the ground disappearing.

La Fey: oh nu not my gabi wongy

Cao Cao is it one end of the bridge with Sieg.

Sieg: Hey um where's Leo?

They both look around and sees on the other side Leo being held by the neck.

Leo: H...Help...Mee

He starts screaming in pain as his power and knowledge become his. Y/N then tosses him to the hero faction unconscious and powerless.

Y/N: thanks for the new power guys oh also look behind you.

Ross comes in drunker than a sailor.

Ross: Whos HIC making all this HIC noise IM TRYING TO GET SOME REST.

She opens up so many magic circles its scary and unleashes it at them only to be blocked by the purple smoke.


They disappear nd everything goes back to normal. Now they must plan for the fight of their lives at a the castle.

Y/N: Maybe I'll finally be able to test you out hm * reaches into the gates of Babylon and pulls out a strange looking sword  that spins* what do you think Sam

Sam: I think You're crazy for even thinking about using that Y/N.

Y/N: Nahhh I'll be fine it is gonna be so much fun using this my most powerful weapon.

Y/N smiles and laughs evilly.

Y/N: The hero faction doesn't know the true meaning of fear yet.

High School DXD: Liberator DXDxMALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now