The First Meeting

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Ponyboy hated the smell of coffee. They only thing he hated more than the smell of coffee was the taste of coffee. Bitter and either too watery or too strong. He didn't know why he worked at a coffee shop. Well, he did know. He needed a job and one where he smelt coffee was better than being unemployed. Ponyboy needed to work to pay off his student debt. He was going to college. Majoring in English. Ponyboy wanted to be an author. He wanted to craft wonderous tal s filled with imagination and love and everything he wanted to be, but couldn't. This job was what would bring him there.

Ponyboy thought it was ironic. He was really good at making coffee, frappuccinos, lattes, mochas and all the other caffeinated drinks, but he hated drinking them. All the people who bought coffee from the small hipster coffee shop where he worked always came back for his coffee. His coffee. The coffee that he hated to drink, but people loved.

Ponyboy met all sorts of people at the coffee shop. He met a woman who was a trapisiest and a man who sold coasters. A group of friends who started a campaign to free Guinea pigs from captivity. Twin brothers who looked like Jamie Oliver, who were also chefs at their restaurant. A librarian who hated reading. A teacher who wanted to be a construction worker. A construction worker who wanted to be a teacher. A street dancer, a busker. An opera singer. Ponyboy thought he had met everyone in the world, until everything changed.

Ponyboy was standing behind the counter. It hadn't been very busy for a weekday in July. Head worked everyday that week and the previous one too. He needed the money to continue with school next year. If he worked everyday for the whole day that summer, he could go back to working normal hours during the school year. Ponyboy started to wipe down the tables. When he was done he put the chairs away and wipes the counter. He grabbed his keys and was about to turn off the lights when he heard the bell jingle. He turned around and saw a man. Well, not man. He looked around 2 years older than Ponyboy, 20 maybe 19, wearing a leather jacket
"Hello," his voice was rough, "Could I get a coffee."
Ponyboy's voice didn't work properly.
He cleared his throat, "um, sure. What would you like?"
"Plain coffee. Black. Hot."
"Okay," Ponyboy scuttled behind the counter and started making the coffee, "do you want it here or to-go."
"Could I have it here or is there not enough time?"
"You can have it here. It's just me anyways." Ponyboy said as he poured the steaming hot coffee into a mug. He passed the mug to the mysterious stranger.
"Thank you." He said
"You're welcome." Ponyboy replied
"How much?"
The man handed Ponyboy the money and stuffed the same amount into the tip jar.
"Thank you." Ponyboy said.
"You're welcome." The stranger replied.
"My name's Ponyboy." Ponyboy said because he felt like he needed to. It was getting too quite in the small shop.
"I know." The stranger said, quietly
"It's on your name tag?"
"Oh." Ponyboy whispered. He felt quite stupid all of a sudden. It got quiet for a moment
"Is it true?"
"Your name. Is it really Ponyboy?"
"That's a weird name."
"Not to me."
"I suppose."
"What's your name?"
"That's not a weird name."
"I know."
They were quiet for a while. Johnny sipped his coffee.
"I'm sorry." He said after a few sips
"What for?" Ponyboy replied
"For calling your name weird."
"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
"You didn't."
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Well, Everyone calls my name weird or funky, but no one ever apologizes after. They think it's a compliment. It's not."
"Thank you for saying sorry."
"You're welcome."
The clock struck 9. Closing time
"I need to-" Ponyboy started, but Johnny just said, "I know." He handed Ponyboy his mug and walked to the door.
"Pony!" Ponyboy called
"What?" Johnny said.
"Pony. My friends. They call me Pony."
"Pony." Ponyboy liked it better when Johnny said his full name. It felt happy, joyful, when Johnny said it.
"I like Ponyboy better." Johnny said.
"Goodbye, Ponyboy."
"Goodbye, Johnny."
Johnny shut the door and Ponyboy heard the ring of the bell. He sighed to himself and went into the back to wash Johnny's mug.
That was the first encounter.

A/N: I hope you liked the first chapter in my fanfiction. I'll get the next chapter out as soon as I can! Thanks for reading!


(P.S. for this fanfiction, and maybe a few more, I am going to give you a chapterly book recommendation! So, if you are looking for a book to read, try A Separate Peace by John Knowles. Easy read and it's pretty short, my copy had 236 pages,  so it's good if you don't want to read anything too long!)

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