Chapter 12

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"tommy what the fuck were you thinking" Phil said as he went into the kitchen. "I was on no caller id! He's a stalker" tommy replied. Jack had went home when the police came over. "I don't give a shit tommy you can't prank call people and not expect the police to come for god sake" he said. "Yeah but-" "nope don't wanna hear it give me your phone and go to your room" Phil said with his hand out "fine there" he said as he gave his phone and stormed up to his room. "Hey big man what happened?" Tubbo asked as Tommy came in. "Me and Jack prank called McDonald's for fun then the police came because I asked for a woman's phone number like what the hell" he said. "Oh my god" Tubbo said laughing a bit. "This is so not fair I'm grounded and I don't have my phone Phil is so mean" tommy said annoyed. "I thought we were calling him dad now" Tubbo said "fuck that he isn't our dad he's probably gonna send us back" tommy said. "No he won't Tommy you need to think positive he's really nice he wouldn't do that" Tubbo said "doubt it. I'm gonna go sleep now night big T" "night tommy"

It was the next day so Tubbo had to go back to school. He decided to walk with techno and Will so that left Tommy alone in his room." I'll see you after school bye Tommy" Tubbo said as he left. "Bye Tubbo" he replied. He looked out the window to see his brothers and techno leave for school. He decided to play bed wars for a bit then soon after, got a text from someone on Discord

K-hey my names Karl! I heard what dream Sapnap and George did so wanted to say sorry about them they were my friends but not now. Was wondering if you wanted to be friends? :D
T-hi Karl yeah sure and thanks we can call if u want :)
The two got in a call and decided to play minecraft together and learn more about each other. "TOMMY COME DOWN FOR LUNCH PLEASE" Phil shouted from the stairs.  "K ONE SECOND" he shouted back. "I'm gonna get my lunch be back in a second" he said to his new friend. "Ok!" Karl said. Tommy ran down and got his food. He had a cheese toastie with orange juice "IM BAAACK" tommy shouted as he got to his room "hey Tommy!" Karl said. "Wanna beat the game I'm bored" tommy asked. "Yeah I'll make a server" he said.

At school,it was lunch for the others and Tubbo and Ranboo met with Jack since Tommy wasn't in "sorry you got grounded Jack" Tubbo said "it's fine not your fault anyway" he replied. Ranboo and Jack went to buy their lunch when quackity came over "heyy chubbo how you doing!" He asked. "I'm good and it's Tubbo not chubbo by the way" Tubbo said a bit upset by the nickname "oh well sorry Tubbo" he said "damn that's a lot of food you got there I don't think you should eat THAT much" he said looking at Tubbo's food. "Oh. Ok" Tubbo got up and binned his food. He didn't have an appetite now "hey chubbo I'm just looking out for you!" Quackity said "umm..yeah" he said. Quackity saw Jack and Ranboo coming back "well gotta go see you around" "yeah.. cya" Tubbo was going to text tommy to see how he was then remembered he doesn't have his phone. "Hey Tubbo! What was Quackity saying?" Ranboo asked as he saw him walking out "oh he just came to say hi!" Tubbo said in a joyful tone so his friends don't question him "okay. You finish your food?" Ranboo asked as he sat down "oh no I'm not that hungry I'll probably finish it when I'm home" he said "ok"
After a while, Tubbo Jack and Ranboo headed off to class "cya Jack!" Tubbo said "bye!" "Ranboo I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll meet you at class" Tubbo said "ok cya" he said. Tubbo went to the nearest bathroom and made himself throw up. He hated sick but if he really was fat, he didn't want it to last. After around 10 minutes, he went back to class. His eyes were a bit red from crying but it should be fine. He took his seat next to Ranboo and started to do his work. "Hey Tubbo what's up? You look like you've been crying" he whispered "oh nothing just allergies" he said getting his geography book out. "Ok but if anything is going on you can tell me ok" he said. "Yeah ok" Tubbo replied.Ranboo was worried he really cared about Tubbo.

"Karl I'm gonna go but wanna talk tomorrow? I have the rest of the week off" tommy said as they left the server "yeah sure! I think I have tomorrow and Wednesday off because I was sick. He replied "ok! Cya and hope you feel better soon" tommy said "thanks! Byeee" the call ended and tommy checked the time. It was 2:56 so Tubbo would be home soon. He decided to get a shower whilst he waited.

Not long after, Tubbo came upstairs and got out some homework. "Hey tubbo! How was school" tommy asked "it was great! Me Ranboo and Jack had so much fun" he lied "what were you up to?" Tubbo asked "I was on bedwars and someone called Karl messaged me so we're friends now" he said "that's cool" Tubbo said "do you wanna make cup cakes with me phils out" tommy asked. "Yeah sure only if you help with my English homework after" Tubbo said. "Haha ok big T let's go" the two went to the kitchen and failed miserably at cooking.

"TOMMY YOU PUT ALL THE EGGS IN WE ONLY NEEDED TWO" Tubbo said bursting out laughing "THEN WE CAN MAKE EGGY CAKES ITS FINE" tommy said joining in the laughter. Will walked in to see what was going on "" he said. The mess in the kitchen was so bad flour and cracked eggs were all around the kitchen and the milk carton was split open on the floor "oh heyyy Will" Tubbo said "dads gonna be pissed clean up" he said "oh well phil already grounded me I don't give a shit" tommy said "yeah well I do now clean" he said as he left the room "Tubbo want to go out I'll do all your homework if you do" tommy said "ermm your grounded and we have to clean" he said "pleaseeeeeee" tommy said giving him puppy eyes "fine let's go" Tubbo said "YESS" tommy grabbed their bowl of eggs and flour and they left
"why the hell did you bring the bowl?" Tubbo asked as they got out the house "oh I wanna throw it at children" tommy said "for god sake tommy" he said laughing. They walked to the park and there was a group of 5 year olds. Tommy gave Tubbo a look and Tubbo ran quickly. Tommy threw the eggs onto the kids and the bowl at another. He quickly ran after Tubbo listening to a bunch of crying kids "HAHA FUCK YOU KIDDIES" tommy said. Once they got far enough, they sat down and caught their breaths "I didn't think you were serious big man" Tubbo said catching his breath and laughing "well mans gotta keep his word" he replied laughing aswell. "Let's go to the shop I brought money and I'm thirsty" tommy said "yeah same let's go" Tubbo said as they walked to Tesco "what you want? Tommy asked as he grabbed a bottle of coke" "oh just water" Tubbo said as he got the bottle from the fridge "ok want something to eat? I've got enough for some crisps or some shit" tommy said "nah I ate loads at school I'm full" "ok let's go pay" tommy said.
It was around 6pm and tommy and Tubbo forgot they snuck out. They didn't take their phones with them so they decided to go to the park. They were there for around half an hour when they saw a familiar face walking towards them "uh oh" tommy said as he noticed who it was "hi techno!" Tubbo said "why are you out without telling anyone and why is Tommy out?" He asked "oh sorry I forgot and Tommy has been inside for ages so we decided to have fun" he said. Tommy got up slowly and was about to run when techno lifted him up "don't think so" they said putting him over his shoulder "PUT ME DOWN NOW TOU STUPID BITCH" he shouted. Techno just laughed and they made their journey home.

So what happens now?~SBI~Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum