Chapter 7

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Phil was working in his office when he got a call out of nowhere. He checked the caller if and it was the school.
P-hi Scott how are you?
S-hi phil I'm good but Tommy has gotten in quite a bit of trouble
P-oh god what happened
S-well first him and his friend Jack manifold were skipping class and he was on his phone using unacceptable language then he kept calling me Scott instead of mr. Major then after when his friend went to class he proceeded to should see you pussy then ran away from me and is hiding somewhere in the school.
P-oh my god I'm so sorry about that Scott I'll sort him out do you know where he went?
S-we haven't found him yet but we have staff searching the school.
P-oh ok do you need me at school to pick him up or?
S-that won't be necessary if we find him he will stay in my office until the end of the day when you can pick him up then.
P-ok sounds great soo you later and I truely am sorry for his behaviour.
S-its fine phil see you soon.

"Tubbo what do I do I'm kinda scared if phil can really be that mean" Tommy said to his older brother as they were hiding Tommy from teachers. "You will be fine big man trust me plus if phil does get really shouty I'll be there"Tubbo replied. "Ranboo can you tell the teacher I went to the nurse? I'm gonna stay with Tommy I'll meet you at the field at break" "yeah sure good luck" he replied while walking off. The two wondered off to a hidden bit in the woods outside so they wouldn't get caught. They were talking until they heard a branch snap "oh shit Tubbo what was that?" Tommy asked getting up instantly. "I have no clue I'll go look stay here" Tommy nodded as Tubbo walked off. "Hello? Tommy are you here?" A man asked. He sounded unfamiliar so Tubbo tried to take a closer look when he was spotted. "Hey kid? You seen tommy your his brother right?"he asked with a New York accent. "Umm y-yeah I'm his brother I've not seen him sorry" Tubbo replied. He was a bit intimidated by him. The man was about to leave when he heard a loud thud "why what's that?" He asked while walking the direction tommy was. "It was nothing I hung my bag up it probably dropped haha silly me" Tubbo said while trying to stop him "what is your name by the way?" "Oh so sorry I'm mr. Schlatt but no need for the mr" he replied "oh ok well schlatt nobody is over there it was probably my bag" Tubbo said but the man didn't stop. "Kid your literally wearing your bag I know your brother is there" schlatt said. His pace started to speed up "TOMMY RUN ITS A TEACHER" Tubbo shouted while running to look for his brother. Schlatt started to run too and turned on his radio "I found tommy he's with Tubbo aswell there at the back of the field in the woods"
Tommy was running as fast as he can until he ran into someone "Shit so sorry" he looked up and it was Will? "Tommy? What are you doing here" he asked "and why is Tubbo there?" "We'll long story short I'm in shit and a teacher is chasing us gotta go byeee" tommy ran as fast as he could. Will was confused until he saw schlatt. He has a plan to try distract him. "Hey schlatt! How you been" "oh Umm hey will I'm good sorry I gotta go catch them two kids" "wait can I ask you something really quickly?" He asked. Schlatt hesitated before saying yes "ok so basically if you wanted you go back in time what would be a good place to go to?" "Oh I'd definitely go to the L'manberg election for sure what about you?" Schlatt replied, forgetting he was chasing two students. "Oh I'd probably go to when the Beatles were around see what it was like and hopefully learn a thing or two from them there a great band" "that's cool" Will was glad his plan had worked. The two got into a conversation about time travel when the radio went off "we found tommy and Tubbo hiding in the bathrooms near the science corridor there in my office now" Scott said through the radio "oh shoot I forgot about that well I've got to go cya Will" schlatt said while walking off to the school building.
"Tommy can I ask why?" Scott said in a clam but serious tone. "I-umm well I-I'm not really sure" he replied holding onto Tubbo's hand. "Ok then also when did you get Tubbo involved with this mess? Your now both going to be punished for this" "well wh-" but he was interrupted by Tubbo "sorry sir I saw tommy so I decided to go with him Tommy tried to stop me but I went with him instead sorry" "well Tubbo I think Tommy may have been right you now have a week detention with me and tommy your going to be suspended again" Scott said to them looking a bit upset "tommy I'm quite upset you've only been here for what two weeks? And your already getting into all sorts of trouble" Scott looked at tommy but Tommy was looking down. "When is Phil gonna get here?" Tubbo asked. "I've asked him to come by after school but I can call him if you would like" Scott said. Tubbo looked at Tommy and Tommy nodded knowing the trouble he would be in.
Half an hour later, Phil had arrived at school and was talking with Scott in another room "Tubbo can you ask to come home for today so your there after Phil tells me off?" Tommy asked. "Yeah of course tommy" he replied. Soon after, Phil came out of the office "ok Tommy time to go" he said "can Tubbo come home aswell? Please phil" tommy asked, not letting go of Tubbo's hand. "No Tubbo has to go to lessons now time to go" phil seemed a bit frustrated but was trying to hide it. Tommy said bye to Tubbo and got in the car. After around 10 minutes they arrived home"tommy why would you do such a stupid thing?" Phil asked raising his voice "I-I'm sorry phil I swear I won't do it again p-please don't" tommy started crying. He was scared for what could happen "don't what?" Phil was still angry but calmed down his tone. "Send me back there o-or hurt me p-please also t-Tubbo didn't d-do it I-I showed up to his c-class and asked him to come with m-me" Phil was confused and upset for him. He wondered what happened to Tommy before "mate trust me why would I ever do that? I was just going to tell you off and ground you nothing serious come here" Phil put his arms out to hug him but Tommy flinched and covered his face "tommy it's ok your safe here ok" Phil hugged him and Tommy hesitated before hugged him back. "I-I'm going to my room now" Tommy said as he let go "that's fine mate" Phil said.

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