Chapter 2

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Around an hour passed and they finally arrived home. "Woahhh this is huge!" Tubbo said excitedly exiting the car. Tommy was still asleep in technos arms so techno carried tommy to his room and put him in bed. "Tubbo you and tommy are gonna share a room but we're gonna need to go shopping to get you beds and decorations because I wasn't sure what you would want" Phil said. "Ok! I'll go and get ready I'll be down in a bit" Tubbo made his way upstairs and found tommy fast asleep in technos room. He walked over and shook Tommy awake. "Tommy we're going shop soon get ready" he said. "Where am I is this our room?" Tommy asked looking around. "No this is technos room we're going shop to get stuff for our room that's why I woke you up" "ok let's go down" tommy and Tubbo made their way downstairs "Phil we're ready to go!" Tubbo said. "Ok I'll get my keys. Techno will do you guys want to come?" Phil asked. "No I'm going to meet niki and some other people" Will said. "Ok techno?" "Yeah sure why not" tommy and Tubbo sat in the back while techno and Phil were in the front. "Tommy I'm so excited we actually get a big room and we can choose our own stuff!" Tubbo said whispering. "I know these people seem awesome let's hope I don't fuck it up tho" tommy whispered back. "You won't fuck it up don't worry" Tubbo said. They started talking about stuff they would get for their new room. After 20 minutes in the car, they arrived at the mall. "We're here now let's go in" Phil said. "Where do you want to look first?" "Hmm I'm not sure Tubbo you got any ideas?" "Can we go clothes shopping? We don't have many plus there getting small on us" Tubbo asked. "Yeah Dad there clothes fill up one suitcase combined. Come on let's go" techno tommy and Tubbo were already walking to the clothes shop before Phil could even respond. He was glad they were getting along. A few hours later, they finished shopping and were back home. "Phil can me and tommy go and paint our room?" Tubbo asked. "Yeah sure the paint should be in there already if you need any help shout me" Phil replied "YAYY thx Phil!" Tubbo and tommy ran up the stairs excitedly. "Tommy which colour should we do?" Tubbo asked. "I like the light blue colour it looks awesome" Tommy replied. "Ok same it looks awesome" the two began to paint. Tommy was drawing with the paint on the walls "hey Tubbo close your eyes I have a surprise" tommy said. "Ok! What is it" Tubbo said excitedly. "You'll see" tommy dipped his paint brush in the paint and painted Tubbo's face "AAAAH TOMMY THIS IS WAR!!" Tubbo shouted as he got paint on his brush. The two were shouting and having fun until they heard the door open "what the fuck are you doing hahaha" Will said as he walked in to see what was going on. "Oh umm... sorry Will we will stop now" Tubbo said a little sad. Will dipped his hand in paint and wiped it all over Tubbo "HAHA IDIOT" "OMG WILL IM GONNA GET YOU" the three of them were having a paint war. "Ok Tommy Tubbo we should probably stop and finish painting haha you can stay in mine and Technos room for tonight" "haha ok thanks Will" tommy said. After they finished painting, the three walked downstairs to get towels to clean up "oh my fucking god what have you done hahaha" Phil burst out laughing at his kids. "Sorry phill it was so fun you should've been there hahaha" Tubbo said. After they got cleaned up, it was time for dinner. "Kids what do you want to eat?" Phil asked. "Can we have takeaway?" Tommy asked. "Yeah sure I'll order it now what do you want?" "I want chicken burger and chips please" Tommy said "can I have cheese pizza?" Tubbo asked "yeah I'll order it now I'll get Will and techno a pizza each aswell" Phil said as he ordered the food" half an hour later the food arrived. "KIDS FOODS HERE" Phil shouted from downstairs. They all went downstairs and ate their meals. After around half of Tommy's chicken burger, he ran to the bathroom and started to throw up. "Tommy? You ok?" Techno asked rubbing Tommy's back. "Yeah but that burger was fucking vile" tommy replied. They went back to the kitchen to get a cup of water. "Tommy I checked your burger and the chicken was raw in the middle you got food poisoning" Phil said. "Tommy you should go to bed, you can sleep in my room because your room isn't done" techno said. "Thanks techno, goodnight" "night tommy" the others said. Phil got a bucket and took it up to technos room "here keep this here in case you need to be sick" "thanks Phil" tommy said and drifted off to sleep. Later on, everyone else went to bed aswell.

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